Curation by haexwise 5 months, 1 week ago for query facias
Original results
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Fieri facias
A fieri facias, usually abbreviated fi. fa is a writ of execution after judgment obtained in a legal action for debt or damages for the sheriff to levy on ...
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Scire facias
A writ of scire facias (Latin, meaning literally "make known") is a writ founded upon some judicial record directing the sheriff to make the record known to a ...
- — found via Wikipedia
Venire facias
In law, venire facias (Latin for "may you cause to come"), also venire facias juratores, and often shortened to venire, is a writ directing a sheriff to
- — found via Wikipedia
Prima facie
The phrase prima facie is sometimes misspelled prima facia in the mistaken belief that facia is the actual Latin word; however, faciē is in fact the
- — found via Wikipedia
Fascia (disambiguation)
FASCIA (database), a U.S. National Security Agency database Fasces Fascio Facia Group, a company founded by Stephen Hinchliffe This disambiguation page
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Venire facias - Wikipedia
venire facias de novo, often shortened to venire de novo – a writ for summoning a new jury panel, or venire, "because of some impropriety or irregularity…
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Scire facias - Wikipedia
In English law, a writ of scire facias (Latin, meaning literally "make known") is a writ founded upon some judicial record directing the sheriff to make …
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Fundaţia pentru Apărarea Cetăţenilor Împotriva Abuzurilor ...
FACIAS urmăreşte asigurarea transparenţei în funcţionarea instituţiilor statului şi apără drepturile cetăţenilor români.
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Scire facias - Ballotpedia
Ballotpedia on Facebook Ballotpedia on Twitter Scire facias In English law, a writ of scire facias (from the Latin meaning "to cause to be known") is a w…
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facias - definition and meaning
Example: Platform team buyers, many of whom have degrees and backgrounds in engineering, business, or manufacturing quality, often are considered the res…
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facias - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
facias. plural of facia. Anagrams. edit · AFAICS, fascia. Latin. edit. Verb. edit. faciās. second-person singular present active subjunctive of faciō.
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Fieri facias - definition of fieri facias by The Free Dictionary
fieri facias fi·er·i fa·ci·as A writ of execution authorizing a sheriff to lay a claim to and seize the goods and chattels of a debtor to fulfill a judgm…
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Scire facias - definition of scire facias by The Free Dictionary
scire facias 1. (Law) a judicial writ founded upon some record, such as a judgment, letters patent, etc, requiring the person against whom it is brought …
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Venire facias - definition of venire facias by The Free Dictiona…
All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. This in…
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Levari facias - definition of Levari facias by The Free Dictiona…
All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. This in…
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Fieri facias or writ of possession on judgment (§ 16.1-98)—Virgi…
§ 16.1-98 Fieri facias or writ of possession on judgment Upon a judgment being rendered in a general district court a writ of fieri facias or a writ of p…
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FACIAS – Foundation for the Defense of Citizens against State Abuses through its activity, aims to ensure transparency in the functioning of state institutions, ...
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Look at other dictionaries: facias — /feys(hXi)yas/ That you cause. Occurring in the phrases scire facias (that you cause to know), fieri facias (that yo…
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Venire facias Definition & Meaning
The meaning of VENIRE FACIAS is a judicial writ directing the sheriff to summon a specified number of qualified persons to serve as jurors.
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Fieri facias - Wikipedia
This writ was once so common that fieri facias became a slang term for a sheriff, with a pun on the "fiery [ruddy] face" of habitual drunkenness, or for …
- facias — found via Mwmbl
scire facias - definition and meaning
scire facias Definitions from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition. noun A writ requiring the named party to appear in …
- facias — found via Mwmbl
fieri facias - definition and meaning
fieri facias Definitions from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition. noun A writ of execution authorizing a sheriff to l…
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do ut facias definition · LSData
Warning Info do ut facias A quick definition of do ut facias: Do ut facias is a Latin term that means "I give that you may do." It refers to a type of co…
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fieri facias definition · LSData
Warning Info fieri facias A quick definition of fieri facias: Definition: Fieri facias is a legal order that tells a sheriff to take someone's property a…
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scire facias definition · LSData
Warning Info scire facias A quick definition of scire facias: Scire Facias: A legal term that refers to a written order requiring someone to appear in co…
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Venire facias definition · LSData
The use of a venire facias is an important part of the jury selection process. It ensures that a fair and impartial jury is chosen for a trial. The judge…
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facio ut facias definition · LSData
Warning Info facio ut facias A quick definition of facio ut facias: Definition: Facio ut facias means "I do that you may do" in Latin. It is a type of co…
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Scire facias synonyms, scire facias antonyms -
It is true that the Supreme Court continued with the following words: "and no action is necessary to obtain it except when a judgment becomes dormant, th…
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Fieri facias synonyms, fieri facias antonyms -
The Supreme Court held that the as-yet unfiled tax returns of Appellants/Debtors Elizabeth Shifflett and Cassandra Deane were not subject to a writ of fi…
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Venire facias synonyms, venire facias antonyms - FreeThesaurus.c…
All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. This in…
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Scire Facias Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, Inc.
Scire Facias Law and Legal Definition Scire Facias is a judicial writ requiring a defendant to appear in court and prove why an existing judgment should …
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facias - Übersetzung und Redewendungen Latein/Deutsch
Ergebnis der Suche nach lat. Formen · machen, tun, handeln, herstellen, errichten lassen. fac venire - lass herbeikommen · leisten, aufwenden · schätzen, wert ...
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FACIAS - Latein-Deutsch Übersetzung
Übersetzung Latein-Deutsch für FACIAS im PONS Online-Wörterbuch nachschlagen! Gratis Vokabeltrainer, Verbtabellen, Aussprachefunktion.
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Fieri Facias Defined and Explained
Fieri Facias Defined and Explained The foundation of this writ is a judgment for debt or damages, and the party who has recovered such a judgment is gene…
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facias-Übersetzung im Latein Wörterbuch
facias, Verb, konsonantische Konjugation, 2. Person Singular Präsens Konjunktiv Aktiv, du machest du tuest du stellest her du fertigest an du übest aus du ...
New results
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Venire facias Definition & Meaning
The meaning of VENIRE FACIAS is a judicial writ directing the sheriff to summon a specified number of qualified persons to serve as jurors.
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Fieri facias
A fieri facias, usually abbreviated fi. fa is a writ of execution after judgment obtained in a legal action for debt or damages for the sheriff to levy on ...
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Scire facias
A writ of scire facias (Latin, meaning literally "make known") is a writ founded upon some judicial record directing the sheriff to make the record known to a ...
- — found via Wikipedia
Venire facias
In law, venire facias (Latin for "may you cause to come"), also venire facias juratores, and often shortened to venire, is a writ directing a sheriff to
- — found via Wikipedia
Prima facie
The phrase prima facie is sometimes misspelled prima facia in the mistaken belief that facia is the actual Latin word; however, faciē is in fact the
- — found via Wikipedia
Fascia (disambiguation)
FASCIA (database), a U.S. National Security Agency database Fasces Fascio Facia Group, a company founded by Stephen Hinchliffe This disambiguation page
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Venire facias - Wikipedia
venire facias de novo, often shortened to venire de novo – a writ for summoning a new jury panel, or venire, "because of some impropriety or irregularity…
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Scire facias - Wikipedia
In English law, a writ of scire facias (Latin, meaning literally "make known") is a writ founded upon some judicial record directing the sheriff to make …
- — found via Google
Fundaţia pentru Apărarea Cetăţenilor Împotriva Abuzurilor ...
FACIAS urmăreşte asigurarea transparenţei în funcţionarea instituţiilor statului şi apără drepturile cetăţenilor români.
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Scire facias - Ballotpedia
Ballotpedia on Facebook Ballotpedia on Twitter Scire facias In English law, a writ of scire facias (from the Latin meaning "to cause to be known") is a w…
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facias - definition and meaning
Example: Platform team buyers, many of whom have degrees and backgrounds in engineering, business, or manufacturing quality, often are considered the res…
- — found via Google
facias - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
facias. plural of facia. Anagrams. edit · AFAICS, fascia. Latin. edit. Verb. edit. faciās. second-person singular present active subjunctive of faciō.
- — found via Mwmbl
Fieri facias - definition of fieri facias by The Free Dictionary
fieri facias fi·er·i fa·ci·as A writ of execution authorizing a sheriff to lay a claim to and seize the goods and chattels of a debtor to fulfill a judgm…
- — found via Mwmbl
Scire facias - definition of scire facias by The Free Dictionary
scire facias 1. (Law) a judicial writ founded upon some record, such as a judgment, letters patent, etc, requiring the person against whom it is brought …
- — found via Mwmbl
Venire facias - definition of venire facias by The Free Dictiona…
All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. This in…
- — found via Mwmbl
Levari facias - definition of Levari facias by The Free Dictiona…
All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. This in…
- — found via Mwmbl
Fieri facias or writ of possession on judgment (§ 16.1-98)—Virgi…
§ 16.1-98 Fieri facias or writ of possession on judgment Upon a judgment being rendered in a general district court a writ of fieri facias or a writ of p…
- — found via Google
FACIAS – Foundation for the Defense of Citizens against State Abuses through its activity, aims to ensure transparency in the functioning of state institutions, ...
- — found via Mwmbl
Look at other dictionaries: facias — /feys(hXi)yas/ That you cause. Occurring in the phrases scire facias (that you cause to know), fieri facias (that yo…
- — found via Mwmbl
Fieri facias - Wikipedia
This writ was once so common that fieri facias became a slang term for a sheriff, with a pun on the "fiery [ruddy] face" of habitual drunkenness, or for …
- facias — found via Mwmbl
scire facias - definition and meaning
scire facias Definitions from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition. noun A writ requiring the named party to appear in …
- facias — found via Mwmbl
fieri facias - definition and meaning
fieri facias Definitions from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition. noun A writ of execution authorizing a sheriff to l…
- — found via Mwmbl
do ut facias definition · LSData
Warning Info do ut facias A quick definition of do ut facias: Do ut facias is a Latin term that means "I give that you may do." It refers to a type of co…
- — found via Mwmbl
fieri facias definition · LSData
Warning Info fieri facias A quick definition of fieri facias: Definition: Fieri facias is a legal order that tells a sheriff to take someone's property a…
- — found via Mwmbl
scire facias definition · LSData
Warning Info scire facias A quick definition of scire facias: Scire Facias: A legal term that refers to a written order requiring someone to appear in co…
- — found via Mwmbl
Venire facias definition · LSData
The use of a venire facias is an important part of the jury selection process. It ensures that a fair and impartial jury is chosen for a trial. The judge…
- — found via Mwmbl
facio ut facias definition · LSData
Warning Info facio ut facias A quick definition of facio ut facias: Definition: Facio ut facias means "I do that you may do" in Latin. It is a type of co…
- — found via Mwmbl
Scire facias synonyms, scire facias antonyms -
It is true that the Supreme Court continued with the following words: "and no action is necessary to obtain it except when a judgment becomes dormant, th…
- — found via Mwmbl
Fieri facias synonyms, fieri facias antonyms -
The Supreme Court held that the as-yet unfiled tax returns of Appellants/Debtors Elizabeth Shifflett and Cassandra Deane were not subject to a writ of fi…
- — found via Mwmbl
Venire facias synonyms, venire facias antonyms - FreeThesaurus.c…
All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. This in…
- — found via Mwmbl
Scire Facias Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, Inc.
Scire Facias Law and Legal Definition Scire Facias is a judicial writ requiring a defendant to appear in court and prove why an existing judgment should …
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facias - Übersetzung und Redewendungen Latein/Deutsch
Ergebnis der Suche nach lat. Formen · machen, tun, handeln, herstellen, errichten lassen. fac venire - lass herbeikommen · leisten, aufwenden · schätzen, wert ...
- — found via Google
FACIAS - Latein-Deutsch Übersetzung
Übersetzung Latein-Deutsch für FACIAS im PONS Online-Wörterbuch nachschlagen! Gratis Vokabeltrainer, Verbtabellen, Aussprachefunktion.
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Fieri Facias Defined and Explained
Fieri Facias Defined and Explained The foundation of this writ is a judgment for debt or damages, and the party who has recovered such a judgment is gene…
- — found via Google
facias-Übersetzung im Latein Wörterbuch
facias, Verb, konsonantische Konjugation, 2. Person Singular Präsens Konjunktiv Aktiv, du machest du tuest du stellest her du fertigest an du übest aus du ...