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https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fieri_facias — found via Wikipedia
Fieri facias
being fieri facias de bonis ecclesiasticis, which concerns seizure of ecclesiastical property.) This writ was once so common that fieri facias became a slang
https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/venire%20facias — found via Google
Venire facias Definition & Meaning
The meaning of VENIRE FACIAS is a judicial writ directing the sheriff to summon a specified number of qualified persons to serve as jurors.
http://ballotpedia.org/Scire_facias — found via Mwmbl
Scire facias - Ballotpedia
Ballotpedia on Facebook Ballotpedia on Twitter Scire facias In English law, a writ of scire facias (from the Latin meaning "to cause to be known") is a w…
http://wordnik.com/words/facias — found via Mwmbl
facias - definition and meaning
Example: Platform team buyers, many of whom have degrees and backgrounds in engineering, business, or manufacturing quality, often are considered the res…
http://www.tfd.com/fieri+facias — found via Mwmbl
Fieri facias - definition of fieri facias by The Free Dictionary
fieri facias fi·er·i fa·ci·as A writ of execution authorizing a sheriff to lay a claim to and seize the goods and chattels of a debtor to fulfill a judgm…
https://vacode.org/16.1-98/ — found via Mwmbl
Fieri facias or writ of possession on judgment (§ 16.1-98)—Virgi…
§ 16.1-98 Fieri facias or writ of possession on judgment Upon a judgment being rendered in a general district court a writ of fieri facias or a writ of p…
https://ballentine.en-academic.com/14058/facias — found via Mwmbl
Look at other dictionaries: facias — /feys(hXi)yas/ That you cause. Occurring in the phrases scire facias (that you cause to know), fieri facias (that yo…
http://www.wordnik.com/words/scire facias — found via Mwmbl
scire facias - definition and meaning
scire facias Definitions from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition. noun A writ requiring the named party to appear in …
https://www.lsd.law/define/do-ut-facias — found via Mwmbl
do ut facias definition · LSData
Warning Info do ut facias A quick definition of do ut facias: Do ut facias is a Latin term that means "I give that you may do." It refers to a type of co…
http://www.freethesaurus.com/scire+facias — found via Mwmbl
Scire facias synonyms, scire facias antonyms - FreeThesaurus.com
It is true that the Supreme Court continued with the following words: "and no action is necessary to obtain it except when a judgment becomes dormant, th…
http://definitions.uslegal.com/s/scire-facias/ — found via Mwmbl
Scire Facias Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, Inc.
Scire Facias Law and Legal Definition Scire Facias is a judicial writ requiring a defendant to appear in court and prove why an existing judgment should …
https://en-academic.com/dic.nsf/enwiki/800016 — found via Mwmbl
Fieri facias
Fieri facias In English law, "fieri facias", usually abbreviated "fi. fa." (Latin "that you cause to be made") is a writ of execution issued in the High …