Curation by juander 2 days, 14 hours ago for query hammer vlsi
Original results
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Integrated circuit
integrated circuit technology enabled the very large-scale integration (VLSI) of more than 10,000 transistors on a single chip. At first, MOS-based computers
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Burkhart, Kevin P.; Forsyth, Mark A.; Hammer, Mark E.; Tanksalvala, Darius F. (August 1983). "An 18-MHz, 32-Bit VLSI Microprocessor". Hewlett-Packard Journal
-–Strong_string_synthesis — found via Wikipedia
Karplus–Strong string synthesis
software and hardware implementations of the algorithm, including a custom VLSI chip. They named the algorithm "Digitar" synthesis, as a portmanteau for
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Arm Holdings
joint venture between Acorn Computers, Apple, and VLSI Technology. Acorn provided 12 employees, VLSI provided tools, Apple provided a US$3 million investment
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and then medium-scale integration (MSI) in the late 1960s, followed by VLSI. In 2008, billion-transistor processors became commercially available. Analog
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5.6. Using Hammer To Place and Route a Custom Block — Chipyard 1…
In order to use the Hammer VLSI flow, you need access to Hammer tools and technology plugins. You can obtain these by emailing hammer-plugins-access@list…
New results
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5.6. Using Hammer To Place and Route a Custom Block — Chipyard 1…
In order to use the Hammer VLSI flow, you need access to Hammer tools and technology plugins. You can obtain these by emailing hammer-plugins-access@list…
- — found via Wikipedia
Integrated circuit
integrated circuit technology enabled the very large-scale integration (VLSI) of more than 10,000 transistors on a single chip. At first, MOS-based computers
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Burkhart, Kevin P.; Forsyth, Mark A.; Hammer, Mark E.; Tanksalvala, Darius F. (August 1983). "An 18-MHz, 32-Bit VLSI Microprocessor". Hewlett-Packard Journal
-–Strong_string_synthesis — found via Wikipedia
Karplus–Strong string synthesis
software and hardware implementations of the algorithm, including a custom VLSI chip. They named the algorithm "Digitar" synthesis, as a portmanteau for
- — found via Wikipedia
Arm Holdings
joint venture between Acorn Computers, Apple, and VLSI Technology. Acorn provided 12 employees, VLSI provided tools, Apple provided a US$3 million investment
- — found via Wikipedia
and then medium-scale integration (MSI) in the late 1960s, followed by VLSI. In 2008, billion-transistor processors became commercially available. Analog