Curation by Binzy_Boi 5 months, 2 weeks ago for query The Shade Tree
Original results
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Shade tree
A shade tree is a large tree whose primary role is to provide shade in the surrounding environment due to its spreading canopy and crown, where it may
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The Shade Tree
The Shade Tree is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization established in 1989 in North Las Vegas, Nevada. Founded by Bonnie Polley, it focus on providing services
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List of tree species by shade tolerance
A list of tree species, grouped generally by biogeographic realm and specifically by bioregions, and shade tolerance. Shade-tolerant species are species
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Hypoxylon canker of shade trees
canker of shade trees is a weak ascomycete fungus that negatively affects growth and can eventually lead to the death of weak or diseased host trees. There
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Shade-grown coffee
Shade-grown coffee is a form of crop produced from coffee plants grown under a canopy of trees. A canopy of assorted types of shade trees is created to
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The Shade Tree Developer
By the way, JasperFx Software offers support contracts or tailored consulting engagements to help your shop maximize your success with Wolverine. It’s an…
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The Shade Tree Developer – Page 3
Marten 7.10 was released today, and (finally) brings some built in support for monitoring Marten performance by exporting Open Telemetry and Metrics abou…
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The Shade Tree Developer – Page 4
Hey, did you know that JasperFx Software offers formal support plans for Marten and Wolverine? Not only are we making the “Critter Stack” tools be viable…
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Bio – The Shade Tree Developer
Bio Me about to launch into a talk at NDC Oslo 2023 maybe about an hour after landing after flying in from Texas! I started my career as a “real” enginee…
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Deleting Code – The Shade Tree Developer
Deleting Code I’m in the middle of a now weeks-long effort to “modernize” a good sized web client to the latest, greatest React.js stack. I just deleted …
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2015 in review – The Shade Tree Developer
2015 in review The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2015 annual report for this blog. Here’s an excerpt: The Louvre Museum has 8.5 million v…
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StructureMap 3.1 – The Shade Tree Developer
StructureMap 3.1 I pushed a new minor release version 3.1 of the StructureMap, StructureMap.Web, StructureMap.AutoMocking, StructureMap.AutoMocking.Moq, …
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Hello Calavista – The Shade Tree Developer
Hello Calavista I’m excited to announce that today I’m joining Calavista here in Austin. I’ll be providing oversight and technical direction for full sta…
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Rebooting Jasper – The Shade Tree Developer
Rebooting Jasper Jasper is a long running OSS passion project of mine. As it is now, Jasper is a command processing tool similar to Brighter or MassTrans…
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Marten on DotNetRocks – The Shade Tree Developer
I think the DNR guys were trying to get me to trash talk a little bit about Marten versus its obvious competitor, so how about just saying that I feel li…
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Critter Stack Futures – The Shade Tree Developer
Starting this month, I think I’m going to blog openly about the ideas and directions that the “Critter Stack” team ( Marten and Wolverine ) and community …
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StructureMap in 2015/16 – The Shade Tree Developer
StructureMap in 2015/16 I’ve been absurdly bogged down most of this calendar year rewriting the Storyteller tool we use at work for acceptance and regres…
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Ping/Pong Jasper Style – The Shade Tree Developer
For this post though, I just want to show off a very small sample “Ping/Pong” example of using Jasper to do messaging between different .NET processes. A…
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Wolverine and Serverless – The Shade Tree Developer
Wolverine and Serverless I’ve recently fielded some user problems with Wolverine’s transactional inbox/outbox subsystem going absolutely haywire. After a…
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Wolverine on DotNetRocks – The Shade Tree Developer
Wolverine on DotNetRocks The fine folks at DotNetRocks graciously allowed me to come on and talk about Wolverine and its combination with Marten into the…
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Resiliency with Wolverine – The Shade Tree Developer
Heavens forbid, when something does happen that the system can’t recover from, it notifies production support Now let’s go onto how to utilize Wolverine f…
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Multi-Tenancy with Marten – The Shade Tree Developer
Multi-Tenancy with Marten Multitenancy is a reference to the mode of operation of software where multiple independent instances of one or multiple applic…
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StructureMap 3 Documentation – The Shade Tree Developer
StructureMap 3 Documentation Shockingly, my efforts to complete the documentation on StructureMap 3 have taken much, much longer than I had hoped — but t…
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Changing Jasper’s Direction – The Shade Tree Developer
Changing Jasper’s Direction I usually won’t publish blog posts on weekends because nobody reads them, but in this case I’m just jotting down my own thoug…
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Jasper’s Configuration Story – The Shade Tree Developer
A couple dozen times I’ve sat around a table at some kind of software conference swapping software horror stories with other developers, all of us trying …
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Wolverine’s Runtime Architecture – The Shade Tree Developer
Wolverine’s Runtime Architecture I’m working up the documentation website for Wolverine today, and just spent several hours putting together a better des…
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Shade tree - definition of shade tree by The Free Dictionary
When the farmers could not get to the woods and swamps with their teams, and were obliged to cut down the shade trees before their houses, and, when the …
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Sprawl - definition of sprawl by The Free Dictionary
Sprawled beneath the shade of the trees and lying upon the long bench beside the south wall the great beasts rested, with the exception of two or three w…
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Benchland - definition of benchland by The Free Dictionary
We are camped in the shade of a mountain covered with conifer trees, and the land around is abandoned treeless benchland . On the other side of the mounta…
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The SQLite R*Tree Module
1. Overview An R-Tree is a special index that is designed for doing range queries. R-Trees are most commonly used in geospatial systems where each entry …
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City of Lebanon, PA Shade Tree Commission
The Shade Tree Commission shall be composed of not less than three but not more than five residents of the City who shall be appointed by the Mayor. The …
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Borough of Neptune City, NJ Shade Tree Advisory Board
The Shade Tree Advisory Board shall organize within 60 days after the appointment of its total membership for the remainder of the then calendar year, an…
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Borough of Rockaway, NJ Shade Tree Commission
The first Shade Tree Commissioners shall be appointed within 60 days after July 8, 1965, and their terms of office shall commence upon the day of their a…
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Township of Brick, NJ Shade Tree Commission
Said Municipal Shade Tree Commission is created for the regulation, planting, care and control of shade and ornamental trees and shrubbery upon and in th…
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Township of Falls, PA Shade Tree Commission
The Commission shall be composed of three residents of the Township, who shall serve without compensation and who shall be appointed by the Township Supe…
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Borough of Norristown, PA Shade Tree Commission and Tree Rules a…
Any public right-of-way, park, easement or other area under the control of the Municipality, including the cartway and sidewalk located within the public…
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Shade Tree
Shade Tree Initiative is a non-for-profit organisation founded by Kate and her husband Rob to invite each of us to: Share kindness. Do good. Help others.…
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Scenic Roads | Amherst, MA - Official Website
The Shade Tree Act gives the Tree Warden jurisdiction over the planting or removal of any public shade trees in a public way or, in some circumstances, o…
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Public Shade Tree Committee | Amherst, MA - Official Website
2nd Saturday Plantings 9 AM - Noon April 8: Planting - Dana St. & Blue Hills Rd. May 13: Planting - Orchard St., Northampton Rd. & S. Pleasant St. June 1…
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trees 0.4.2 - failed to build trees-0.4.2 Please check the build logs for more information. See Builds for ideas on how to fix a failed build, or Metadata for …
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qwt - Rust
The wavelet tree [1] is a compact data structure that for a sequence $S$ of length $n$ over an alphabet of size $\sigma$ requires only $n\lceil\log \sigm…
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bhv - Rust
A behavior tree is basically a tree where each node defines some action/function unique to the node type. Each node returns a “status” after they are exe…
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Shade tree species impacts on soil nutrient availability and foo…
Résumé : Conventional, intensively managed coffee monocultures are environmentally damaging. The use of shade trees and organic management are welcome op…
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Shade tree Chloroleucon eurycyclum promotes coffee leaf rust by …
Résumé : Shade trees stimulate many pathways that influence disease development in opposite directions, and that, in addition, may interact with environm…
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Shade tree trait diversity and functions in agroforestry systems…
Résumé : Shade trees in agroforestry systems confer ecosystem services, such as enhanced soil fertility from diverse litter inputs, microclimate regulati…
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Selected shade tree species improved cocoa yields in low-input a…
Résumé : CONTEXT: Cocoa agroforestry systems differ in the diversity of shade tree species composition. Though cocoa benefits from shade, there is a lack…
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Coffee shade tree management: An adaptation option for climate c…
Résumé : Little information is available on the effects of changes in land use/land cover (LULC) on climate variability in Ethiopia. To characterize this…
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Why shade at bus stops and playgrounds is a challenge in summer …
Share this story Shade at bus stops can be a rare occurrence, even in the hottest climates. Shade, like the tree a woman in Chicago sought out in a heat …
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The Fallen Trees of Vila Autódromo: Rio Topples Olympics Environ…
“When you are fighting for your house, and your most basic needs–like safety and public health–trees are left behind. To talk to the City about the trees…
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Booka Shade announce full line up for the Brixton Electronic liv…
Booka Shade have announced the full line up for their innovative Brixton Electronic live show on Saturday 11th April, when they will be bringing a strong…
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Recognizing ash trees in Oregon, Washington and Northern Califor…
Recognizing ash trees in Oregon, Washington and Northern California About 70 species of ash grow in the world, and about 16 are native to North America. …
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Markus Schulz's Clip Of New Dakota Track & The Nine Skies Teaser…
In a shade under two weeks The Nine Skies first enlightenment will take place amid San Francisco’s Dreamstate. To allay a few of your curiosities ahead o…
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xkcd: Tree
[[There is a binary Christmas tree, with each node a ball, and lights strung between parent and child nodes. Beneath it is a heap of presents - sorted wi…
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Morristown Automotive Repair: Shade Tree Garage
Morristown Automotive Repair: Shade Tree Garage In December of 1975, Shade Tree Garage opened its car repair shop in an empty warehouse at the end of a d…
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New Hope Borough, PA | Official Website
A position on the Shade Tree Commission is open for a volunteer to participate in once a month meetings to fulfill the mission of the Commission to maint…
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The Shade
We are always open to learning more about our collections and updating the website. Does this record contain inaccurate information or language that you …
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Trees Matter - Utility Shade Tree Program
Working in partnership with the Salt River Project (SRP) utilities company, we are honored to facilitate the SRP Shade Tree Program. This program distrib…
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Trees Matter - Home
Mesa Shade Tree Program Events Trees Matter is partnering with City of Mesa for the new Mesa Shade Tree Program as part of Mesa's Trees Are Cool Initiat…
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Home - The SHaDE Lab
The SHaDE Lab About the SHaDE Lab The SHaDE Lab is an urban climate research group directed by Dr. Ariane Middel in the School of Arts, Media and Enginee…
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Borough of Closter, NJ Shade Tree Commission
There is hereby created and established in and for the Borough of Closter a Shade Tree Commission in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40:64-1 et seq., the amendm…
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Dream the Shade Ref by AbsoluteDream on DeviantArt
I needed a more detailed reference for my main character, and I also have other ideas that I didn't include in the last reference. ^^ Here is other info…
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Trees for the Future
As a UN World Restoration Flagship, TREES is recognized as one of the best large-scale ecosystem restoration efforts on the planet. The prestigious Flagsh…
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Possible Motive — Experimental Records And Ephemera
People silhouetted by the shade of the night wander the streets. Some are in love, holding hands. Others, hopelessly lost in the sea of reality (which fre…
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Oak - Appropedia, the sustainability wiki
Oak A good all-around shade tree in most temperate climates. The white oak is particularly nice, having large edible acorns. All oak makes dense firewood…
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The Wall Street Journal - Breaking News, Business, Financial & E…
Dollar Tree announced in June that it’s looking to sell or spin off Family Dollar, a brand it acquired in 2015 for roughly $9 billion. We break down why F…
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National Geographic Magazine
Watch This Trees are more than just beautiful fixtures of any city neighborhood. They make hot summer days more bearable by providing shade and naturally…
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Kalamullah.Com | In The Shade of The Qur'an
In The Shade Of The Qur'an has been universally recognized as an outstanding contribution to Islamic thought and scholarship, to which students and schol…
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Gentlemen of the Shade | CBC Books
Jen Sookfong Lee Social Sharing The radio personality and writer examines the cultural ramifications of Gus Van Sant's My Own Private Idaho. (ECW Press) …
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Report incorrect tree information OneMillionTrees movement The OneMillionTrees movement aims to restore nature back into our city through the planting of…
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59th Annual Shade Tree Symposium Penn-Del ISA's 59th Annual Shade Tre Symposium will be held at the Lebanon Valley Expo Center on March 25th and 26th, 20…
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Wind beauty | Grist
Treehugger has announced the winner of their "Beauty or Blight?" wind turbine photo contest. It's a beut. Go check it out. Treehugger has announced the w…
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Southern Scapes Tree Experts - Professional Tree Services in GA …
Who We Are Family Owned and Operated for 13 Years Jeremy Leigh and his wife Brandie started their business back in 2008 based on landscaping and lawn mai…
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GC4QNW2 One For The Shade (Traditional Cache) in California, Uni…
Watch Please note Use of services is subject to the terms and conditions in our disclaimer. Geocache Description: I love coming here to Sa…
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GC47HAW Made in the Shade (Traditional Cache) in Rhode Island, U…
Watch Please note Use of services is subject to the terms and conditions in our disclaimer. Geocache Description: Why not stop and have a …
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OSF | Trees and their seed networks: the social dynamics of urba…
Files Citation Recent Activity OSF does not support the use of Internet Explorer. For optimal performance, please switch to another browser. Accept This …
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Trees — LVIS
The Village Trees The trees of East Hampton define our Village. From tree-lined streets to the trees surrounding Town Pond, we are graced by the lush gre…
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Planting trees together: The 2016 Huntington's Disease Society o…
Nearly a thousand HD family members converged on Baltimore, Maryland for the 2016 Huntington’s Disease Society of America’s Annual Convention. We normally…
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Queer Coded
All the shade fit to throw. Hello, The recent SCOTUS decision in the 303 Creative v. Elenis case has brought to light some powers that the Queercoded man…
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Tree Ring Lab | Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
"Silent though they are, the trees, it turns out, can speak volumes. The size, density, anatomy and chemistry of each ring reflect the environmental condi…
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[1.6.2/1.5.2][Forge] denoflions Mods! (Threads condensed) - Mine…
BetterFarming trees with Forestry! Do note the dirt/grass. These trees don't like Humus, and the arboretum will convert any Humus in its way into dirt. T…
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Finger Trees - Andrew Gibiansky
Finger Trees In this notebook, we'll look at finger trees, a general purpose functional data structure developed in the paper by Hinze and Paterson. Fing…
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Tree of Life Web Project
"The affinities of all the beings of the same class have sometimes been represented by a great tree... As buds give rise by growth to fresh buds, and the…
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Tree Request Form
TREE REQUEST FORM. We offer breadfruit, mango, ackee, avocado, jackfruit, soursop and some other varieties. We encourage breadfruit for its nutrition and…
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Tree Trimming & Landscaping Service | National Landscaping Resou…
Compare Prices on Tree Service National Landscaping Resource National Landscaping Resource is the number one source for tree trimming, tree removal, and …
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How Trees Calm Us Down | The New Yorker
How Trees Calm Us Down A new study found that an additional ten trees on a given block corresponded to a one-per-cent increase in how healthy nearby resi…
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Tree Planting Nonprofit | Arbor Day Foundation
We are the Arbor Day Foundation We’re a global nonprofit inspiring people to plant, nurture, and celebrate trees. In the face of a changing world, we’re …
- — found via Mwmbl Kindle Paperwhite Signature Edition (32 GB) – With a…
Adjust the shade of your display from a white light to a warm amber, or schedule when the light changes for a personalized reading experience. Kindle Pape…
- — found via Mwmbl – Tune Into Forests From Around The World 🌳🔈
Tune Into Forests From Around The World. Escape, Relax & Preserve. Remember Forests? People around the world recorded the sounds of their forests, so you…
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UVI Shade - Creative Filter and EQ
With Shade, we've aimed to create something unique, that would both improve your process and simplify the toolset required to achieve it, something that h…
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Scott C.
The Murray Tree Baby Animals Faraway Galaxy Koala Kangaroo Hug I Am 8Bit Advent Calendar The Dawning Pizza Heads Hands Across The Spiderverse Space Suits…
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#TREEFREE “Still Ain’t Enough” In 2019, MC TREE G was sentenced to 3 years in jail. On February 3, 2023 - TREE was released. #FREETREE is the culmination…
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COOPH Photographers' Accessories & Apparel
Soft spring shade The Limited Edition Peach Rope Strap Adjustable Rope Camera Strap Cooph quality, now adjustable Stonepaper Notebook Write it down! COOP…
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SRP Newsroom
SRP Newsroom SRP’s popular shade tree program returns in 2024 with a series of three shade tree workshops scheduled in January and February. After comple…
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TreeHugger - Alchetron, The Free Social Encyclopedia
I am a dreamer who dreams of a world full of good people helping eachother TreeHugger Updated on Nov 20, 2023 Edit Like Comment Share Share on FacebookTw…
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Jonas Wagner -
Tree shaking Tree shaking reduces the size of bundled javascript by leaving out code that isn’t used. As author of a library it enables me to worry less …
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Sweetgum - CreationWiki, the encyclopedia of creation science
Sweetgum is a large shade tree that reaches up to 25-40 meters. It is a common hardwood with a good quality that is used for interior and furniture manuf…
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World Congress on Agroforestry I 10-14 February 2014 I Delhi, In…
Trees for Life: Accelerating the Impacts of Agroforestry The World Congress on Agroforestry 2014 will be held in Delhi, India, 10 – 14 February 2014, org…
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Red-Black Tree For over a decade, we've been boosting time-to-market and helping companies navigate through the technology maze. With a passion for techn…
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Heath Lab – EEOB – Iowa State University
Phylogenetic trees depict the evolutionary relationships among species, populations, or genes, and allow researchers to investigate biology in an evoluti…
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Trees cover a large part of the earth and can sometimes be quite annoying when you are trying to classify any other land cover than forest. In my case I w…
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Sphinx tag | AvaxNews
Tourist Police sit in the shade on a road leading to the Coptic Cairo area on May 27, 2011 in Cairo, Egypt. Protests in January and February brought an en…
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Treehugger - Esolang
Treehugger Treehugger is a brainfuck derivative by User:Cluid Zhasulelm with one change. Instead of the memory layout being a single infinite tape, it is…
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Pixel Perfect Tree | Home
The end of the road for Pixel Perfect Tree 👋 Development is our discipline. Detail is our craft. We make meaningful web experiences powered by cutting ed…
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TreeHugger - Wikipedia
TreeHugger is a sustainability website that reports on news, and other subjects like eco-friendly design, homes, and gardens. It was rated the top sustain…
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Commercial Tree Removal – Find tree removal services near you
Commercial Tree Services A tree service provider should remove a tree in an efficient and humane way and try tree removal as little as possible in the pa…
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Mowbray's Tree Service |
Since 1972 Family-Owned & Operated With over 50 years in the Vegetation Management industry, Mowbray’s Tree Service, a family owned and operated business…
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treehugger · MaisonBisson
Menu treehugger Treehugger alerted me to the rather surprising story of this light bulb, burning continuously since 1901. Yeah, at least that’s the story…
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watts · MaisonBisson
Menu watts Treehugger alerted me to the rather surprising story of this light bulb, burning continuously since 1901. Yeah, at least that’s the story here…
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livermore · MaisonBisson
Menu livermore Treehugger alerted me to the rather surprising story of this light bulb, burning continuously since 1901. Yeah, at least that’s the story …
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treehugger - definition and meaning
I'm not some treehugger or p. e.t.a member or anything but, I can guarantee that the gator didnt know he was being "hunted" if so redneck mommy wouldnt h…
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world's leading e-NG producer | TES H2
Trees use sunlight, water and CO₂ to create oxygen. Inspired by this streamlined cycle, TES is building the fastest, most efficient and affordable way to …
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SHADE #5 SHELBY PINK An innovative balm/oil hybrid, it can also be used as a tint to the cheeks and eyelids. The vegan formula is sheer upon application,…
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Photos: Thousands to evacuate in flood-ravaged California | Gall…
Numerous falling trees are reported as more than 330,000 utility customers are without power. The latest powerful atmospheric river to drench California …
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Acry’s Coding Site | SDL2 C Tutorials, SDL C, OpenGL C Tutorials…
Shade it! Polished Version More Content Hang on while I upload more Data! About Me Hi! I am Carsten from Germany - father of three sons. ... started codi…
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Agenda Shade (party) Break For Renovation We are taking a break from hosting events and exhibitions until Spring Equinox, as the space is being transform…
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Sameer Ajmani – Father of three, husband of one in Brooklyn. Eng…
Attack Trees are a kind of And-or tree in which each node is a goal, and that node’s children are either alternative ways to achieve that goal (an “or-no…
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Tammy Treehugger - Super Mario Wiki, the Mario encyclopedia
Tammy is a likely reflection of "Evil Eric", although Co-MC is as bothered by her appearance as is Tommy of Evil Eric's, likely in that she is not much o…
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@candeartist422 on Tumblr
TreeHugger racists getting mad in the notes on this cute video I posted now lmao. the reason I posted it to begin with is because I was seeing too many p…
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#928617 - suggestive, artist:dakuroihoshi, fluttershy, tree hugg…
Comments Treehugger did not complain when the parasprites tied her up. After all, she needed some serious chilling time and not worry about anything, the…
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reality Archives - Granite Grok
While Treehugger is still alive, barely, it isn’t the harder hitting / deeper posts of the past. Thus, I’m spending far less time there and I’m just going…
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ipernity: Treehugger - by MJ Maccardini (trailerfullofpix)
This monument seems particularly fitting as West Norwood is on the site of the ancient Great North Wood. According to wikipedia, "A tree survey of the cem…
New results
- — found via Wikipedia
The Shade Tree
The Shade Tree is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization established in 1989 in North Las Vegas, Nevada. Founded by Bonnie Polley, it focus on providing services
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Southern Nevada's Premier Domestic Violence Shelter | The Shade Tree
Southern Nevada's Premier Domestic Violence Shelter & Resource Center Our mission is to provide safe shelter and resources to homeless and abused women an…
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Shade tree
A shade tree is a large tree whose primary role is to provide shade in the surrounding environment due to its spreading canopy and crown, where it may
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List of tree species by shade tolerance
A list of tree species, grouped generally by biogeographic realm and specifically by bioregions, and shade tolerance. Shade-tolerant species are species
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Hypoxylon canker of shade trees
canker of shade trees is a weak ascomycete fungus that negatively affects growth and can eventually lead to the death of weak or diseased host trees. There
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Shade-grown coffee
Shade-grown coffee is a form of crop produced from coffee plants grown under a canopy of trees. A canopy of assorted types of shade trees is created to
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The Shade Tree Developer
By the way, JasperFx Software offers support contracts or tailored consulting engagements to help your shop maximize your success with Wolverine. It’s an…
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The Shade Tree Developer – Page 3
Marten 7.10 was released today, and (finally) brings some built in support for monitoring Marten performance by exporting Open Telemetry and Metrics abou…
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The Shade Tree Developer – Page 4
Hey, did you know that JasperFx Software offers formal support plans for Marten and Wolverine? Not only are we making the “Critter Stack” tools be viable…
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Bio – The Shade Tree Developer
Bio Me about to launch into a talk at NDC Oslo 2023 maybe about an hour after landing after flying in from Texas! I started my career as a “real” enginee…
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Deleting Code – The Shade Tree Developer
Deleting Code I’m in the middle of a now weeks-long effort to “modernize” a good sized web client to the latest, greatest React.js stack. I just deleted …
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2015 in review – The Shade Tree Developer
2015 in review The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2015 annual report for this blog. Here’s an excerpt: The Louvre Museum has 8.5 million v…
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StructureMap 3.1 – The Shade Tree Developer
StructureMap 3.1 I pushed a new minor release version 3.1 of the StructureMap, StructureMap.Web, StructureMap.AutoMocking, StructureMap.AutoMocking.Moq, …
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Hello Calavista – The Shade Tree Developer
Hello Calavista I’m excited to announce that today I’m joining Calavista here in Austin. I’ll be providing oversight and technical direction for full sta…
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Rebooting Jasper – The Shade Tree Developer
Rebooting Jasper Jasper is a long running OSS passion project of mine. As it is now, Jasper is a command processing tool similar to Brighter or MassTrans…
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Marten on DotNetRocks – The Shade Tree Developer
I think the DNR guys were trying to get me to trash talk a little bit about Marten versus its obvious competitor, so how about just saying that I feel li…
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Critter Stack Futures – The Shade Tree Developer
Starting this month, I think I’m going to blog openly about the ideas and directions that the “Critter Stack” team ( Marten and Wolverine ) and community …
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StructureMap in 2015/16 – The Shade Tree Developer
StructureMap in 2015/16 I’ve been absurdly bogged down most of this calendar year rewriting the Storyteller tool we use at work for acceptance and regres…
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Ping/Pong Jasper Style – The Shade Tree Developer
For this post though, I just want to show off a very small sample “Ping/Pong” example of using Jasper to do messaging between different .NET processes. A…
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Wolverine and Serverless – The Shade Tree Developer
Wolverine and Serverless I’ve recently fielded some user problems with Wolverine’s transactional inbox/outbox subsystem going absolutely haywire. After a…
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Wolverine on DotNetRocks – The Shade Tree Developer
Wolverine on DotNetRocks The fine folks at DotNetRocks graciously allowed me to come on and talk about Wolverine and its combination with Marten into the…
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Resiliency with Wolverine – The Shade Tree Developer
Heavens forbid, when something does happen that the system can’t recover from, it notifies production support Now let’s go onto how to utilize Wolverine f…
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Multi-Tenancy with Marten – The Shade Tree Developer
Multi-Tenancy with Marten Multitenancy is a reference to the mode of operation of software where multiple independent instances of one or multiple applic…
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StructureMap 3 Documentation – The Shade Tree Developer
StructureMap 3 Documentation Shockingly, my efforts to complete the documentation on StructureMap 3 have taken much, much longer than I had hoped — but t…
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Changing Jasper’s Direction – The Shade Tree Developer
Changing Jasper’s Direction I usually won’t publish blog posts on weekends because nobody reads them, but in this case I’m just jotting down my own thoug…
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Jasper’s Configuration Story – The Shade Tree Developer
A couple dozen times I’ve sat around a table at some kind of software conference swapping software horror stories with other developers, all of us trying …
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Wolverine’s Runtime Architecture – The Shade Tree Developer
Wolverine’s Runtime Architecture I’m working up the documentation website for Wolverine today, and just spent several hours putting together a better des…
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Shade tree - definition of shade tree by The Free Dictionary
When the farmers could not get to the woods and swamps with their teams, and were obliged to cut down the shade trees before their houses, and, when the …
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Sprawl - definition of sprawl by The Free Dictionary
Sprawled beneath the shade of the trees and lying upon the long bench beside the south wall the great beasts rested, with the exception of two or three w…
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Benchland - definition of benchland by The Free Dictionary
We are camped in the shade of a mountain covered with conifer trees, and the land around is abandoned treeless benchland . On the other side of the mounta…
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The SQLite R*Tree Module
1. Overview An R-Tree is a special index that is designed for doing range queries. R-Trees are most commonly used in geospatial systems where each entry …
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City of Lebanon, PA Shade Tree Commission
The Shade Tree Commission shall be composed of not less than three but not more than five residents of the City who shall be appointed by the Mayor. The …
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Borough of Neptune City, NJ Shade Tree Advisory Board
The Shade Tree Advisory Board shall organize within 60 days after the appointment of its total membership for the remainder of the then calendar year, an…
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Borough of Rockaway, NJ Shade Tree Commission
The first Shade Tree Commissioners shall be appointed within 60 days after July 8, 1965, and their terms of office shall commence upon the day of their a…
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Township of Brick, NJ Shade Tree Commission
Said Municipal Shade Tree Commission is created for the regulation, planting, care and control of shade and ornamental trees and shrubbery upon and in th…
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Township of Falls, PA Shade Tree Commission
The Commission shall be composed of three residents of the Township, who shall serve without compensation and who shall be appointed by the Township Supe…
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Borough of Norristown, PA Shade Tree Commission and Tree Rules a…
Any public right-of-way, park, easement or other area under the control of the Municipality, including the cartway and sidewalk located within the public…
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Shade Tree
Shade Tree Initiative is a non-for-profit organisation founded by Kate and her husband Rob to invite each of us to: Share kindness. Do good. Help others.…
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Scenic Roads | Amherst, MA - Official Website
The Shade Tree Act gives the Tree Warden jurisdiction over the planting or removal of any public shade trees in a public way or, in some circumstances, o…
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Public Shade Tree Committee | Amherst, MA - Official Website
2nd Saturday Plantings 9 AM - Noon April 8: Planting - Dana St. & Blue Hills Rd. May 13: Planting - Orchard St., Northampton Rd. & S. Pleasant St. June 1…
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trees 0.4.2 - failed to build trees-0.4.2 Please check the build logs for more information. See Builds for ideas on how to fix a failed build, or Metadata for …
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qwt - Rust
The wavelet tree [1] is a compact data structure that for a sequence $S$ of length $n$ over an alphabet of size $\sigma$ requires only $n\lceil\log \sigm…
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bhv - Rust
A behavior tree is basically a tree where each node defines some action/function unique to the node type. Each node returns a “status” after they are exe…
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Shade tree species impacts on soil nutrient availability and foo…
Résumé : Conventional, intensively managed coffee monocultures are environmentally damaging. The use of shade trees and organic management are welcome op…
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Shade tree Chloroleucon eurycyclum promotes coffee leaf rust by …
Résumé : Shade trees stimulate many pathways that influence disease development in opposite directions, and that, in addition, may interact with environm…
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Shade tree trait diversity and functions in agroforestry systems…
Résumé : Shade trees in agroforestry systems confer ecosystem services, such as enhanced soil fertility from diverse litter inputs, microclimate regulati…
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Selected shade tree species improved cocoa yields in low-input a…
Résumé : CONTEXT: Cocoa agroforestry systems differ in the diversity of shade tree species composition. Though cocoa benefits from shade, there is a lack…
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Coffee shade tree management: An adaptation option for climate c…
Résumé : Little information is available on the effects of changes in land use/land cover (LULC) on climate variability in Ethiopia. To characterize this…
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Why shade at bus stops and playgrounds is a challenge in summer …
Share this story Shade at bus stops can be a rare occurrence, even in the hottest climates. Shade, like the tree a woman in Chicago sought out in a heat …
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The Fallen Trees of Vila Autódromo: Rio Topples Olympics Environ…
“When you are fighting for your house, and your most basic needs–like safety and public health–trees are left behind. To talk to the City about the trees…
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Booka Shade announce full line up for the Brixton Electronic liv…
Booka Shade have announced the full line up for their innovative Brixton Electronic live show on Saturday 11th April, when they will be bringing a strong…
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Recognizing ash trees in Oregon, Washington and Northern Califor…
Recognizing ash trees in Oregon, Washington and Northern California About 70 species of ash grow in the world, and about 16 are native to North America. …
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Markus Schulz's Clip Of New Dakota Track & The Nine Skies Teaser…
In a shade under two weeks The Nine Skies first enlightenment will take place amid San Francisco’s Dreamstate. To allay a few of your curiosities ahead o…
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xkcd: Tree
[[There is a binary Christmas tree, with each node a ball, and lights strung between parent and child nodes. Beneath it is a heap of presents - sorted wi…
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Morristown Automotive Repair: Shade Tree Garage
Morristown Automotive Repair: Shade Tree Garage In December of 1975, Shade Tree Garage opened its car repair shop in an empty warehouse at the end of a d…
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New Hope Borough, PA | Official Website
A position on the Shade Tree Commission is open for a volunteer to participate in once a month meetings to fulfill the mission of the Commission to maint…
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The Shade
We are always open to learning more about our collections and updating the website. Does this record contain inaccurate information or language that you …
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Trees Matter - Utility Shade Tree Program
Working in partnership with the Salt River Project (SRP) utilities company, we are honored to facilitate the SRP Shade Tree Program. This program distrib…
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Trees Matter - Home
Mesa Shade Tree Program Events Trees Matter is partnering with City of Mesa for the new Mesa Shade Tree Program as part of Mesa's Trees Are Cool Initiat…
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Home - The SHaDE Lab
The SHaDE Lab About the SHaDE Lab The SHaDE Lab is an urban climate research group directed by Dr. Ariane Middel in the School of Arts, Media and Enginee…
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Borough of Closter, NJ Shade Tree Commission
There is hereby created and established in and for the Borough of Closter a Shade Tree Commission in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40:64-1 et seq., the amendm…
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Dream the Shade Ref by AbsoluteDream on DeviantArt
I needed a more detailed reference for my main character, and I also have other ideas that I didn't include in the last reference. ^^ Here is other info…
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Trees for the Future
As a UN World Restoration Flagship, TREES is recognized as one of the best large-scale ecosystem restoration efforts on the planet. The prestigious Flagsh…
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Possible Motive — Experimental Records And Ephemera
People silhouetted by the shade of the night wander the streets. Some are in love, holding hands. Others, hopelessly lost in the sea of reality (which fre…
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Oak - Appropedia, the sustainability wiki
Oak A good all-around shade tree in most temperate climates. The white oak is particularly nice, having large edible acorns. All oak makes dense firewood…
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The Wall Street Journal - Breaking News, Business, Financial & E…
Dollar Tree announced in June that it’s looking to sell or spin off Family Dollar, a brand it acquired in 2015 for roughly $9 billion. We break down why F…
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National Geographic Magazine
Watch This Trees are more than just beautiful fixtures of any city neighborhood. They make hot summer days more bearable by providing shade and naturally…
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Kalamullah.Com | In The Shade of The Qur'an
In The Shade Of The Qur'an has been universally recognized as an outstanding contribution to Islamic thought and scholarship, to which students and schol…
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Gentlemen of the Shade | CBC Books
Jen Sookfong Lee Social Sharing The radio personality and writer examines the cultural ramifications of Gus Van Sant's My Own Private Idaho. (ECW Press) …
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Report incorrect tree information OneMillionTrees movement The OneMillionTrees movement aims to restore nature back into our city through the planting of…
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59th Annual Shade Tree Symposium Penn-Del ISA's 59th Annual Shade Tre Symposium will be held at the Lebanon Valley Expo Center on March 25th and 26th, 20…
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Wind beauty | Grist
Treehugger has announced the winner of their "Beauty or Blight?" wind turbine photo contest. It's a beut. Go check it out. Treehugger has announced the w…
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Southern Scapes Tree Experts - Professional Tree Services in GA …
Who We Are Family Owned and Operated for 13 Years Jeremy Leigh and his wife Brandie started their business back in 2008 based on landscaping and lawn mai…
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GC4QNW2 One For The Shade (Traditional Cache) in California, Uni…
Watch Please note Use of services is subject to the terms and conditions in our disclaimer. Geocache Description: I love coming here to Sa…
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GC47HAW Made in the Shade (Traditional Cache) in Rhode Island, U…
Watch Please note Use of services is subject to the terms and conditions in our disclaimer. Geocache Description: Why not stop and have a …
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OSF | Trees and their seed networks: the social dynamics of urba…
Files Citation Recent Activity OSF does not support the use of Internet Explorer. For optimal performance, please switch to another browser. Accept This …
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Trees — LVIS
The Village Trees The trees of East Hampton define our Village. From tree-lined streets to the trees surrounding Town Pond, we are graced by the lush gre…
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Planting trees together: The 2016 Huntington's Disease Society o…
Nearly a thousand HD family members converged on Baltimore, Maryland for the 2016 Huntington’s Disease Society of America’s Annual Convention. We normally…
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Queer Coded
All the shade fit to throw. Hello, The recent SCOTUS decision in the 303 Creative v. Elenis case has brought to light some powers that the Queercoded man…
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Tree Ring Lab | Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
"Silent though they are, the trees, it turns out, can speak volumes. The size, density, anatomy and chemistry of each ring reflect the environmental condi…
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[1.6.2/1.5.2][Forge] denoflions Mods! (Threads condensed) - Mine…
BetterFarming trees with Forestry! Do note the dirt/grass. These trees don't like Humus, and the arboretum will convert any Humus in its way into dirt. T…
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Finger Trees - Andrew Gibiansky
Finger Trees In this notebook, we'll look at finger trees, a general purpose functional data structure developed in the paper by Hinze and Paterson. Fing…
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Tree of Life Web Project
"The affinities of all the beings of the same class have sometimes been represented by a great tree... As buds give rise by growth to fresh buds, and the…
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Tree Request Form
TREE REQUEST FORM. We offer breadfruit, mango, ackee, avocado, jackfruit, soursop and some other varieties. We encourage breadfruit for its nutrition and…
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Tree Trimming & Landscaping Service | National Landscaping Resou…
Compare Prices on Tree Service National Landscaping Resource National Landscaping Resource is the number one source for tree trimming, tree removal, and …
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How Trees Calm Us Down | The New Yorker
How Trees Calm Us Down A new study found that an additional ten trees on a given block corresponded to a one-per-cent increase in how healthy nearby resi…
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Tree Planting Nonprofit | Arbor Day Foundation
We are the Arbor Day Foundation We’re a global nonprofit inspiring people to plant, nurture, and celebrate trees. In the face of a changing world, we’re …
- — found via Mwmbl Kindle Paperwhite Signature Edition (32 GB) – With a…
Adjust the shade of your display from a white light to a warm amber, or schedule when the light changes for a personalized reading experience. Kindle Pape…
- — found via Mwmbl – Tune Into Forests From Around The World 🌳🔈
Tune Into Forests From Around The World. Escape, Relax & Preserve. Remember Forests? People around the world recorded the sounds of their forests, so you…
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UVI Shade - Creative Filter and EQ
With Shade, we've aimed to create something unique, that would both improve your process and simplify the toolset required to achieve it, something that h…
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Scott C.
The Murray Tree Baby Animals Faraway Galaxy Koala Kangaroo Hug I Am 8Bit Advent Calendar The Dawning Pizza Heads Hands Across The Spiderverse Space Suits…
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#TREEFREE “Still Ain’t Enough” In 2019, MC TREE G was sentenced to 3 years in jail. On February 3, 2023 - TREE was released. #FREETREE is the culmination…
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COOPH Photographers' Accessories & Apparel
Soft spring shade The Limited Edition Peach Rope Strap Adjustable Rope Camera Strap Cooph quality, now adjustable Stonepaper Notebook Write it down! COOP…
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SRP Newsroom
SRP Newsroom SRP’s popular shade tree program returns in 2024 with a series of three shade tree workshops scheduled in January and February. After comple…
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TreeHugger - Alchetron, The Free Social Encyclopedia
I am a dreamer who dreams of a world full of good people helping eachother TreeHugger Updated on Nov 20, 2023 Edit Like Comment Share Share on FacebookTw…
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Jonas Wagner -
Tree shaking Tree shaking reduces the size of bundled javascript by leaving out code that isn’t used. As author of a library it enables me to worry less …
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Sweetgum - CreationWiki, the encyclopedia of creation science
Sweetgum is a large shade tree that reaches up to 25-40 meters. It is a common hardwood with a good quality that is used for interior and furniture manuf…
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World Congress on Agroforestry I 10-14 February 2014 I Delhi, In…
Trees for Life: Accelerating the Impacts of Agroforestry The World Congress on Agroforestry 2014 will be held in Delhi, India, 10 – 14 February 2014, org…
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Red-Black Tree For over a decade, we've been boosting time-to-market and helping companies navigate through the technology maze. With a passion for techn…
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Heath Lab – EEOB – Iowa State University
Phylogenetic trees depict the evolutionary relationships among species, populations, or genes, and allow researchers to investigate biology in an evoluti…
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Trees cover a large part of the earth and can sometimes be quite annoying when you are trying to classify any other land cover than forest. In my case I w…
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Sphinx tag | AvaxNews
Tourist Police sit in the shade on a road leading to the Coptic Cairo area on May 27, 2011 in Cairo, Egypt. Protests in January and February brought an en…
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Treehugger - Esolang
Treehugger Treehugger is a brainfuck derivative by User:Cluid Zhasulelm with one change. Instead of the memory layout being a single infinite tape, it is…
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Pixel Perfect Tree | Home
The end of the road for Pixel Perfect Tree 👋 Development is our discipline. Detail is our craft. We make meaningful web experiences powered by cutting ed…
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TreeHugger - Wikipedia
TreeHugger is a sustainability website that reports on news, and other subjects like eco-friendly design, homes, and gardens. It was rated the top sustain…
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Commercial Tree Removal – Find tree removal services near you
Commercial Tree Services A tree service provider should remove a tree in an efficient and humane way and try tree removal as little as possible in the pa…
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Mowbray's Tree Service |
Since 1972 Family-Owned & Operated With over 50 years in the Vegetation Management industry, Mowbray’s Tree Service, a family owned and operated business…
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treehugger · MaisonBisson
Menu treehugger Treehugger alerted me to the rather surprising story of this light bulb, burning continuously since 1901. Yeah, at least that’s the story…
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watts · MaisonBisson
Menu watts Treehugger alerted me to the rather surprising story of this light bulb, burning continuously since 1901. Yeah, at least that’s the story here…
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livermore · MaisonBisson
Menu livermore Treehugger alerted me to the rather surprising story of this light bulb, burning continuously since 1901. Yeah, at least that’s the story …
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treehugger - definition and meaning
I'm not some treehugger or p. e.t.a member or anything but, I can guarantee that the gator didnt know he was being "hunted" if so redneck mommy wouldnt h…
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world's leading e-NG producer | TES H2
Trees use sunlight, water and CO₂ to create oxygen. Inspired by this streamlined cycle, TES is building the fastest, most efficient and affordable way to …
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SHADE #5 SHELBY PINK An innovative balm/oil hybrid, it can also be used as a tint to the cheeks and eyelids. The vegan formula is sheer upon application,…
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Photos: Thousands to evacuate in flood-ravaged California | Gall…
Numerous falling trees are reported as more than 330,000 utility customers are without power. The latest powerful atmospheric river to drench California …
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Acry’s Coding Site | SDL2 C Tutorials, SDL C, OpenGL C Tutorials…
Shade it! Polished Version More Content Hang on while I upload more Data! About Me Hi! I am Carsten from Germany - father of three sons. ... started codi…
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Agenda Shade (party) Break For Renovation We are taking a break from hosting events and exhibitions until Spring Equinox, as the space is being transform…
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Sameer Ajmani – Father of three, husband of one in Brooklyn. Eng…
Attack Trees are a kind of And-or tree in which each node is a goal, and that node’s children are either alternative ways to achieve that goal (an “or-no…
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Tammy Treehugger - Super Mario Wiki, the Mario encyclopedia
Tammy is a likely reflection of "Evil Eric", although Co-MC is as bothered by her appearance as is Tommy of Evil Eric's, likely in that she is not much o…
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@candeartist422 on Tumblr
TreeHugger racists getting mad in the notes on this cute video I posted now lmao. the reason I posted it to begin with is because I was seeing too many p…
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#928617 - suggestive, artist:dakuroihoshi, fluttershy, tree hugg…
Comments Treehugger did not complain when the parasprites tied her up. After all, she needed some serious chilling time and not worry about anything, the…
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reality Archives - Granite Grok
While Treehugger is still alive, barely, it isn’t the harder hitting / deeper posts of the past. Thus, I’m spending far less time there and I’m just going…
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ipernity: Treehugger - by MJ Maccardini (trailerfullofpix)
This monument seems particularly fitting as West Norwood is on the site of the ancient Great North Wood. According to wikipedia, "A tree survey of the cem…