Curation by Binzy_Boi 5 months, 3 weeks ago for query Shannen's Dream
Original results
-'s_Dream — found via Wikipedia
Shannen's Dream
Shannen's Dream is a Canadian youth-driven movement advocating for equitable education funding for First Nations children. Education on-reserve is funded
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Charlie Angus
children and was the co-founder of the Shannen's Dream campaign, named in honour of the late Cree youth leader Shannen Koostachin, whom Angus fought with
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Attawapiskat First Nation
community. After her untimely death in a car accident Shannen's Dream was formed Shannen's Dream is a student- and youth-focused campaign designed to raise
-! — found via Wikipedia
Hi-Ho Mistahey!
documentary film by Alanis Obomsawin that profiles Shannen's Dream, an activist campaign first launched by Shannen Koostachin, a Cree teenager from Attawapiskat
- — found via Wikipedia
Disney Fantasy
the Dream-class, and the line's fourth vessel overall; the other four ships of the company fleet are the Disney Magic, Disney Wonder, Disney Dream, and
-'s_Dream — found via Mwmbl
Shannen's Dream - Wikipedia
Shannen Noella Jane Koostachin was born on 12 July 1994 in Attawapiskat First Nation on James Bay coast Ontario to Andrew Koostachin and Jenny Nakogee.[8…
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Shannen's Dream | First Nations Child & Family Caring Society
School is a time for dreams, every kid deserves this - Shannen Koostachin Every child in Canada has the right to a proper education - including safe and …
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Shannen's Dream | Inquest into the deaths of seven First Nations…
Shannen's Dream In order to give effect to the motion passed unanimously by the House of Commons on February 27, 2012, relating to Shannen’s Dream, as se…
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Shannen's Dream monument campaign launched by family member | CB…
Shannen's Dream monument campaign launched by family member First Nations woman recalls difficult education experience that inspired her to push for a na…
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Preserving Shannen's Dream : Alanis Obomsawin on Hi Ho Mistahey!
Pursuing Shannen’s Dream : Alanis Obomsawin on Hi-Ho Mistahey! Last Monday, I attended the last weekly Cinema Politica screening of the season at Concord…
New results
-'s_Dream — found via Wikipedia
Shannen's Dream
Shannen's Dream is a Canadian youth-driven movement advocating for equitable education funding for First Nations children. Education on-reserve is funded
- — found via Wikipedia
Charlie Angus
children and was the co-founder of the Shannen's Dream campaign, named in honour of the late Cree youth leader Shannen Koostachin, whom Angus fought with
- — found via Wikipedia
Attawapiskat First Nation
community. After her untimely death in a car accident Shannen's Dream was formed Shannen's Dream is a student- and youth-focused campaign designed to raise
-! — found via Wikipedia
Hi-Ho Mistahey!
documentary film by Alanis Obomsawin that profiles Shannen's Dream, an activist campaign first launched by Shannen Koostachin, a Cree teenager from Attawapiskat
- — found via Wikipedia
Disney Fantasy
the Dream-class, and the line's fourth vessel overall; the other four ships of the company fleet are the Disney Magic, Disney Wonder, Disney Dream, and
-'s_Dream — found via Mwmbl
Shannen's Dream - Wikipedia
Shannen Noella Jane Koostachin was born on 12 July 1994 in Attawapiskat First Nation on James Bay coast Ontario to Andrew Koostachin and Jenny Nakogee.[8…
- — found via Mwmbl
Shannen's Dream | First Nations Child & Family Caring Society
School is a time for dreams, every kid deserves this - Shannen Koostachin Every child in Canada has the right to a proper education - including safe and …
- — found via Mwmbl
Shannen's Dream | Inquest into the deaths of seven First Nations…
Shannen's Dream In order to give effect to the motion passed unanimously by the House of Commons on February 27, 2012, relating to Shannen’s Dream, as se…
- — found via Mwmbl
Shannen's Dream monument campaign launched by family member | CB…
Shannen's Dream monument campaign launched by family member First Nations woman recalls difficult education experience that inspired her to push for a na…
- — found via Mwmbl
Preserving Shannen's Dream : Alanis Obomsawin on Hi Ho Mistahey!
Pursuing Shannen’s Dream : Alanis Obomsawin on Hi-Ho Mistahey! Last Monday, I attended the last weekly Cinema Politica screening of the season at Concord…