Curation by Binzy_Boi 6 months, 3 weeks ago for query Kickstarter
Original results
- — found via Wikipedia
Kickstarter, PBC is an American public benefit corporation based in Brooklyn, New York, that maintains a global crowdfunding platform focused on creativity
- — found via Wikipedia
List of video game crowdfunding projects
Game Kickstarter "Roots of Pacha Release Date, News & Reviews -". Prehistoric life simulator Roots of Pacha gained $100 000 on Kickstarter during
- — found via Wikipedia
List of highest-funded crowdfunding projects
achieve funding). List of highest-funded equity crowdfunding projects Kickstarter § Top projects by funds raised Indiegogo § Top projects by funds raised
- — found via Wikipedia
Music Kickup
record label for artists. The service was initially launched as Music Kickstarter, but it soon changed its name to Music KickUp. It is a community platform
- — found via Wikipedia
The Legend of Vox Machina
consists of twelve episodes, the first ten of which were funded via a Kickstarter campaign. In November 2019, ahead of the series premiere, it was renewed
- — found via Mwmbl
xkcd: Kickstarter
[[A kickstarter page with zero donations, a target of $5,000, and 90 days to go. Black Hat Man has posted a video and a description of his project, the f…
- — found via Mwmbl
Shitty Kickstarters
Filter by flair Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience.By accepting all cookies, you agree …
- — found via Mwmbl
Do Real Kickstarters Ship? – 512 Pixels
CNNMoney contacted the creators of the 50 highest-funded Kickstarter campaigns with estimated delivery dates of November 2012 or earlier to determine the…
- — found via Mwmbl
Kickstarter Simplifies Its Rules And Lowers The Barrier For Proj…
Kickstarter Simplifies Its Rules And Lowers The Barrier For Project Acceptance Crowdfunding site Kickstarter, which has almost become the ‘Kleenex’ of th…
- — found via Mwmbl
A Kickstarter for journalism enters the big leagues - Digiday
A Kickstarter for journalism enters the big leagues Journalism is expensive. As big publishers close bureaus and slash staff, they’re leaving major areas…
- — found via Mwmbl
Kickstarter hires reporter to probe startup that collapsed after…
Crowdfunding firm: We are entitled to further info from Torquing Group. Further Reading In a first, Kickstarter has hired a journalist to look into how i…
- — found via Mwmbl
Kickstarter Hit With Patent Claim Over Crowd-Funding | TechCrunch
Kickstarter Hit With Patent Claim Over Crowd-Funding Kickstarter, which just recently celebrated the 10,000th successfully funded project in its 2.5-year…
- — found via Mwmbl
Kickstarter Ketchup: Identity By Asylum Entertainment – MMO Fall…
Kickstarter Ketchup: Identity By Asylum Entertainment Identity is an open world MMORPG by Asylum Entertainment that was successfully Kickstarted back in …
- — found via Mwmbl
Kickstarter Implements New Rules To Protect Users – MMO Fallout
Kickstarter Implements New Rules To Protect Users Kickstarter is not a store, and the folks at Kickstarter Inc want potential backers to know this withou…
- — found via Mwmbl
Kickstarter Catchup: Fractured – The Dynamic MMO – MMO Fallout
Kickstarter Catchup: Fractured – The Dynamic MMO For today’s piece I wanted to discuss a little game called Fractured – The Dynamic MMO. Mostly I wanted …
- — found via Mwmbl
Our Kickstarter campaign is live! – Alex Danco's Newsletter
Menu Our Kickstarter campaign is live! Hey everyone! It’s a big day here at Backtrack, as our first product- the world’s first shape-based, wearable acti…
- — found via Mwmbl
Brevity Kickstarter Launches Today | The Brevity Blog
Brevity Kickstarter Launches Today This blog post is, really, a confession of love, though I suspect it’s not much of a confession… that you all already …
- — found via Mwmbl
Release the Virgins! | Michael A. Ventrella
Announcing a kickstarter campaign for a new anthology (edited by me!) where the only requirement is that each story must contain the line “release the vi…
- — found via Mwmbl
Kickstarter music projects pass $39m funding milestone
👋 THE KNOWLEDGE: our weekly mix of the best news, analysis, and insider tips from across Music Ally's services. It's FREE, fun*, and every Friday. Plus r…
- — found via Mwmbl
Kickstarter and The 99% Barrier
Drew Westphal and Anna Bartenstein run the customer service machine behind musician Jonathan Coulton. They cover everything, from emails about orders or …
- — found via Mwmbl
Kickstarter Marketing Agency - Crowdfunding Marketing & Campaign…
We specialize in Kickstarter marketing and campaign design, excelling in the creation and execution of successful crowdfunding campaigns. If you’re consi…
- — found via Mwmbl
Kickstarter Project: Bangle.js 2 is a Hackable, Open Source Smar…
Looking for an open source smartwatch you're in total control of? If so, check out the Bangle.js 2 which is currently crowdfunding on Kickstarter. This L…
- — found via Mwmbl
a tarot kickstarter that seems to have spared no expense in prin…
There are a lot of lovely tarot deck kickstarters that I have managed to restrain myself from backing. They tend to seem to be conceived of by illustrator…
- — found via Mwmbl
Kickstarter Project Versa Bricks connects LEGO, Hot Wheels, and …
Versa Bricks are the brain child of Jerry Schutt of Ohio. Like many of us as a child he would play with LEGO and Hot Wheels. He wanted to play with the t…
- — found via Mwmbl
TimeWatch Kickstarter email alert
Want Pelgrane Press to notify you by email when the TimeWatch Kickstarter goes live? Enter your email address here! We'll email you once when the Kicksta…
- — found via Mwmbl
Over 100 Kickstarters out Rewards and Money Due to Scammer | The…
Kickstarter Scammer Cheats over 100 Campaigns out of Rewards and Money [Updated] You know, just in case you thought that the world was a just and good pla…
- — found via Mwmbl
Kickstarters – Load the Game
Tag Archives: Kickstarters Technology nowadays has advanced a great deal compared to even 5 years from now, and it keeps advancing day by day. Everybody …
- — found via Mwmbl
kickstarters Articles - Geek, Anime and RPG news
A tabletop RPG about “talking rats, god-monsters, and you” by Jenna Moran, author of the well-regarded RPGs Nobilis, Chuubo’s Marvelous Wish-Granting Eng…
- — found via Mwmbl
Comparing Kickstarters – Michael W Lucas
Comparing Kickstarters Comparing how two different books sell is foolish. Books are not fungible. Comparing how two different marketing campaigns do is l…
- — found via Mwmbl
Lucas-Adjacent Kickstarters – Michael W Lucas
Lucas-Adjacent Kickstarters First off, there’s the inimitable ZZ Claybourne’sBreath, Warmth, and Dream campaign. Full disclosure: Zigs is a dear friend. …
- — found via Mwmbl
Kickstarters - Raging Heroes
TGG: the GAME! Our next Kickstarter project will be the game, featuring many of our armies and characters. The game has been developed and is currently i…
- — found via Mwmbl
The Holovision Kickstarter “scam” |
Why do I think it’s worth talking about? Because, while there is an actual design for something called Holovision, and that design is theoretically feasi…
- — found via Mwmbl
kickstarters | RPGnet Forums
kickstarters I see the new version of Deadlands is being funded. What I can't figure out is if this requires the SWADE rules or if the necessary rules ar…
- — found via Mwmbl
Wayward Kickstarters | Basic Fantasy RPG Blog
Wayward Kickstarters Wow. Just, wow. What makes anyone think that paying a WRITER and/or ARTIST in ADVANCE for something that isn’t remotely ready yet is…
- — found via Mwmbl
10 Crazy Kickstarters to Waste Your Money On
This California dad wants $20,000 to make t-shirts that say "YOLO" on them in a wacky font. He plans for the shirts to be the "No Fear" of 2013, which re…
- — found via Mwmbl
Zion’s Fiction Kickstarter Opens 10/12 | File 770
Post navigation Zion’s Fiction Kickstarter Opens 10/12 Israel is the only country in the world directly inspired by a science fiction novel — Theodor Her…
- — found via Mwmbl
Kickstarters projects - Page 5 - VGMdb Forums
I honestly don't hear much of a difference between Tales and Star Ocean. The music is completly interchangeable for me. Dark Souls is different, I give h…
- — found via Mwmbl
10 Kickstarters the World Needs in 2015 - Brit + Co
As we say goodbye to 2014, we’re saying hello to a brand new year filled with awesome Kickstarters that are making us do some serious rubbernecking. Some …
- — found via Mwmbl
Four Brooklyn Kickstarters worth your money
Give a restaurant its wings, and three other Brooklyn-based Kickstarters worth your money It’s not every day someone gives you food as a reward for a Kick…
- — found via Mwmbl
Chocolatey Software | Chocolatey - The package manager for Windo…
Join the Chocolatey Team on our regular monthly stream where we put a spotlight on the most recent Chocolatey product releases. You'll have a chance to h…
- — found via Mwmbl
Zinequest DCC Kickstarters|Goodman Games
Zinequest DCC Kickstarters It’s that time of year! Kickstarter is now running ZineQuest 3, and it’s a great chance to launch your own zine. ZineQuest alw…
- — found via Mwmbl
@am1vf on Tumblr
The Kickstarter for Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy is Live!! Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy is our team’s debut TTRPG, over three years in the …
- — found via Mwmbl
@smaiart on Tumblr
Rollin' Rascal Kickstarter is NOW LIVE! 🎉 Excited to announce that I've been working with Gabriel Gonzalez and Curiomatic on their brand new game, Rollin…
- — found via Mwmbl
3 Interesting Kickstarters You Should Check Out Today Before The…
With advancing technology, it’s not only for doctors and trained medical experts to own a stethoscope but the average person can use it as well. After all…
- — found via Mwmbl
Sot Box – Telegram
The kickstarter from last year for the 3rd volume of "Slightly Damned" has started accepting backer surveys today! Go ahead and submit yours too if you w…
- — found via Mwmbl
The Kickstarter is 2/3 of the way there! I’m very excited but also very nervous… To help spread the word, I’m running a g.iveaway for the Genshin Impact …
- — found via Mwmbl
Fateforge RPG
Fateforge on Kickstarter Our 5E Modular RPG returns with a Reprint, VTT Support & Scenarios Following the sword & sorcery tradition, the adventurers will…
- — found via Mwmbl
Xiiau's art blog
Finally! The Kickstarter for Tales of Alethrion Season Two is here! Help us by becoming a backer and/or by sharing the campaign with your friends. There a…
- — found via Mwmbl
kicktrack – RasPi.TV
kicktrack KickStarter Campaigns I’m Tracking I’ve been spending some time on my own personal KickStarter tracker. Unsatisfied with the “one data-point a …
- — found via Mwmbl
Retronator // Daily pixel art and gaming news
November Kickstarters Hey, long time no see! In today’s return to Retronator news broadcasting, let’s take a look at three pixel art Kickstarters you mig…
- — found via Mwmbl
Kathleen Glosan | | The Official Site For Bone by …
Hello Kickstarters and late backers (those who missed the THORN campaign), Pledge Manager will be closing one week from today – on February 26th, so get t…
- — found via Mwmbl
Daily Illuminator: Crowdfunding Focus: Iain Lovecraft's A Tale O…
Three STL Kickstarters in two weeks? Seems like a lot, but this is a growing part of the hobby, and sometimes the good ones just come that fast. Iain Love…
New results
- — found via Wikipedia
Kickstarter, PBC is an American public benefit corporation based in Brooklyn, New York, that maintains a global crowdfunding platform focused on creativity
- — found via Wikipedia
List of video game crowdfunding projects
Game Kickstarter "Roots of Pacha Release Date, News & Reviews -". Prehistoric life simulator Roots of Pacha gained $100 000 on Kickstarter during
- — found via Wikipedia
List of highest-funded crowdfunding projects
achieve funding). List of highest-funded equity crowdfunding projects Kickstarter § Top projects by funds raised Indiegogo § Top projects by funds raised
- — found via Wikipedia
Music Kickup
record label for artists. The service was initially launched as Music Kickstarter, but it soon changed its name to Music KickUp. It is a community platform
- — found via Wikipedia
The Legend of Vox Machina
consists of twelve episodes, the first ten of which were funded via a Kickstarter campaign. In November 2019, ahead of the series premiere, it was renewed
- — found via Mwmbl
xkcd: Kickstarter
[[A kickstarter page with zero donations, a target of $5,000, and 90 days to go. Black Hat Man has posted a video and a description of his project, the f…
- — found via Mwmbl
Shitty Kickstarters
Filter by flair Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience.By accepting all cookies, you agree …
- — found via Mwmbl
Do Real Kickstarters Ship? – 512 Pixels
CNNMoney contacted the creators of the 50 highest-funded Kickstarter campaigns with estimated delivery dates of November 2012 or earlier to determine the…
- — found via Mwmbl
Kickstarter Simplifies Its Rules And Lowers The Barrier For Proj…
Kickstarter Simplifies Its Rules And Lowers The Barrier For Project Acceptance Crowdfunding site Kickstarter, which has almost become the ‘Kleenex’ of th…
- — found via Mwmbl
A Kickstarter for journalism enters the big leagues - Digiday
A Kickstarter for journalism enters the big leagues Journalism is expensive. As big publishers close bureaus and slash staff, they’re leaving major areas…
- — found via Mwmbl
Kickstarter hires reporter to probe startup that collapsed after…
Crowdfunding firm: We are entitled to further info from Torquing Group. Further Reading In a first, Kickstarter has hired a journalist to look into how i…
- — found via Mwmbl
Kickstarter Hit With Patent Claim Over Crowd-Funding | TechCrunch
Kickstarter Hit With Patent Claim Over Crowd-Funding Kickstarter, which just recently celebrated the 10,000th successfully funded project in its 2.5-year…
- — found via Mwmbl
Kickstarter Ketchup: Identity By Asylum Entertainment – MMO Fall…
Kickstarter Ketchup: Identity By Asylum Entertainment Identity is an open world MMORPG by Asylum Entertainment that was successfully Kickstarted back in …
- — found via Mwmbl
Kickstarter Implements New Rules To Protect Users – MMO Fallout
Kickstarter Implements New Rules To Protect Users Kickstarter is not a store, and the folks at Kickstarter Inc want potential backers to know this withou…
- — found via Mwmbl
Kickstarter Catchup: Fractured – The Dynamic MMO – MMO Fallout
Kickstarter Catchup: Fractured – The Dynamic MMO For today’s piece I wanted to discuss a little game called Fractured – The Dynamic MMO. Mostly I wanted …
- — found via Mwmbl
Our Kickstarter campaign is live! – Alex Danco's Newsletter
Menu Our Kickstarter campaign is live! Hey everyone! It’s a big day here at Backtrack, as our first product- the world’s first shape-based, wearable acti…
- — found via Mwmbl
Brevity Kickstarter Launches Today | The Brevity Blog
Brevity Kickstarter Launches Today This blog post is, really, a confession of love, though I suspect it’s not much of a confession… that you all already …
- — found via Mwmbl
Release the Virgins! | Michael A. Ventrella
Announcing a kickstarter campaign for a new anthology (edited by me!) where the only requirement is that each story must contain the line “release the vi…
- — found via Mwmbl
Kickstarter music projects pass $39m funding milestone
👋 THE KNOWLEDGE: our weekly mix of the best news, analysis, and insider tips from across Music Ally's services. It's FREE, fun*, and every Friday. Plus r…
- — found via Mwmbl
Kickstarter and The 99% Barrier
Drew Westphal and Anna Bartenstein run the customer service machine behind musician Jonathan Coulton. They cover everything, from emails about orders or …
- — found via Mwmbl
Kickstarter Marketing Agency - Crowdfunding Marketing & Campaign…
We specialize in Kickstarter marketing and campaign design, excelling in the creation and execution of successful crowdfunding campaigns. If you’re consi…
- — found via Mwmbl
Kickstarter Project: Bangle.js 2 is a Hackable, Open Source Smar…
Looking for an open source smartwatch you're in total control of? If so, check out the Bangle.js 2 which is currently crowdfunding on Kickstarter. This L…
- — found via Mwmbl
a tarot kickstarter that seems to have spared no expense in prin…
There are a lot of lovely tarot deck kickstarters that I have managed to restrain myself from backing. They tend to seem to be conceived of by illustrator…
- — found via Mwmbl
Kickstarter Project Versa Bricks connects LEGO, Hot Wheels, and …
Versa Bricks are the brain child of Jerry Schutt of Ohio. Like many of us as a child he would play with LEGO and Hot Wheels. He wanted to play with the t…
- — found via Mwmbl
TimeWatch Kickstarter email alert
Want Pelgrane Press to notify you by email when the TimeWatch Kickstarter goes live? Enter your email address here! We'll email you once when the Kicksta…
- — found via Mwmbl
Over 100 Kickstarters out Rewards and Money Due to Scammer | The…
Kickstarter Scammer Cheats over 100 Campaigns out of Rewards and Money [Updated] You know, just in case you thought that the world was a just and good pla…
- — found via Mwmbl
Kickstarters – Load the Game
Tag Archives: Kickstarters Technology nowadays has advanced a great deal compared to even 5 years from now, and it keeps advancing day by day. Everybody …
- — found via Mwmbl
kickstarters Articles - Geek, Anime and RPG news
A tabletop RPG about “talking rats, god-monsters, and you” by Jenna Moran, author of the well-regarded RPGs Nobilis, Chuubo’s Marvelous Wish-Granting Eng…
- — found via Mwmbl
Comparing Kickstarters – Michael W Lucas
Comparing Kickstarters Comparing how two different books sell is foolish. Books are not fungible. Comparing how two different marketing campaigns do is l…
- — found via Mwmbl
Lucas-Adjacent Kickstarters – Michael W Lucas
Lucas-Adjacent Kickstarters First off, there’s the inimitable ZZ Claybourne’sBreath, Warmth, and Dream campaign. Full disclosure: Zigs is a dear friend. …
- — found via Mwmbl
Kickstarters - Raging Heroes
TGG: the GAME! Our next Kickstarter project will be the game, featuring many of our armies and characters. The game has been developed and is currently i…
- — found via Mwmbl
The Holovision Kickstarter “scam” |
Why do I think it’s worth talking about? Because, while there is an actual design for something called Holovision, and that design is theoretically feasi…
- — found via Mwmbl
kickstarters | RPGnet Forums
kickstarters I see the new version of Deadlands is being funded. What I can't figure out is if this requires the SWADE rules or if the necessary rules ar…
- — found via Mwmbl
Wayward Kickstarters | Basic Fantasy RPG Blog
Wayward Kickstarters Wow. Just, wow. What makes anyone think that paying a WRITER and/or ARTIST in ADVANCE for something that isn’t remotely ready yet is…
- — found via Mwmbl
10 Crazy Kickstarters to Waste Your Money On
This California dad wants $20,000 to make t-shirts that say "YOLO" on them in a wacky font. He plans for the shirts to be the "No Fear" of 2013, which re…
- — found via Mwmbl
Zion’s Fiction Kickstarter Opens 10/12 | File 770
Post navigation Zion’s Fiction Kickstarter Opens 10/12 Israel is the only country in the world directly inspired by a science fiction novel — Theodor Her…
- — found via Mwmbl
Kickstarters projects - Page 5 - VGMdb Forums
I honestly don't hear much of a difference between Tales and Star Ocean. The music is completly interchangeable for me. Dark Souls is different, I give h…
- — found via Mwmbl
10 Kickstarters the World Needs in 2015 - Brit + Co
As we say goodbye to 2014, we’re saying hello to a brand new year filled with awesome Kickstarters that are making us do some serious rubbernecking. Some …
- — found via Mwmbl
Four Brooklyn Kickstarters worth your money
Give a restaurant its wings, and three other Brooklyn-based Kickstarters worth your money It’s not every day someone gives you food as a reward for a Kick…
- — found via Mwmbl
Chocolatey Software | Chocolatey - The package manager for Windo…
Join the Chocolatey Team on our regular monthly stream where we put a spotlight on the most recent Chocolatey product releases. You'll have a chance to h…
- — found via Mwmbl
Zinequest DCC Kickstarters|Goodman Games
Zinequest DCC Kickstarters It’s that time of year! Kickstarter is now running ZineQuest 3, and it’s a great chance to launch your own zine. ZineQuest alw…
- — found via Mwmbl
@am1vf on Tumblr
The Kickstarter for Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy is Live!! Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy is our team’s debut TTRPG, over three years in the …
- — found via Mwmbl
@smaiart on Tumblr
Rollin' Rascal Kickstarter is NOW LIVE! 🎉 Excited to announce that I've been working with Gabriel Gonzalez and Curiomatic on their brand new game, Rollin…
- — found via Mwmbl
3 Interesting Kickstarters You Should Check Out Today Before The…
With advancing technology, it’s not only for doctors and trained medical experts to own a stethoscope but the average person can use it as well. After all…
- — found via Mwmbl
Sot Box – Telegram
The kickstarter from last year for the 3rd volume of "Slightly Damned" has started accepting backer surveys today! Go ahead and submit yours too if you w…
- — found via Mwmbl
The Kickstarter is 2/3 of the way there! I’m very excited but also very nervous… To help spread the word, I’m running a g.iveaway for the Genshin Impact …
- — found via Mwmbl
Fateforge RPG
Fateforge on Kickstarter Our 5E Modular RPG returns with a Reprint, VTT Support & Scenarios Following the sword & sorcery tradition, the adventurers will…
- — found via Mwmbl
Xiiau's art blog
Finally! The Kickstarter for Tales of Alethrion Season Two is here! Help us by becoming a backer and/or by sharing the campaign with your friends. There a…
- — found via Mwmbl
kicktrack – RasPi.TV
kicktrack KickStarter Campaigns I’m Tracking I’ve been spending some time on my own personal KickStarter tracker. Unsatisfied with the “one data-point a …
- — found via Mwmbl
Retronator // Daily pixel art and gaming news
November Kickstarters Hey, long time no see! In today’s return to Retronator news broadcasting, let’s take a look at three pixel art Kickstarters you mig…
- — found via Mwmbl
Kathleen Glosan | | The Official Site For Bone by …
Hello Kickstarters and late backers (those who missed the THORN campaign), Pledge Manager will be closing one week from today – on February 26th, so get t…
- — found via Mwmbl
Daily Illuminator: Crowdfunding Focus: Iain Lovecraft's A Tale O…
Three STL Kickstarters in two weeks? Seems like a lot, but this is a growing part of the hobby, and sometimes the good ones just come that fast. Iain Love…