Curation by Binzy_Boi 7 months ago for query geeksforgeeks
Original results
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Data access object
Object(DAO) Design Pattern". GeeksforGeeks. 2017-08-26. Retrieved 2024-07-08. "Data Access Object(DAO) Design Pattern". GeeksforGeeks. 2017-08-26. Retrieved
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Computer science and engineering Retrieved 2021-10-31. "GATE CS 2021 (Revised) Syllabus". GeeksforGeeks. 2020-08-08. Retrieved 2021-06-20. "Courses in Computer Science and
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Low-level programming language
2021-03-05. Retrieved 2023-04-03. "What is a Low Level Language?". GeeksforGeeks. 2023-11-19. Retrieved 2024-04-27. "Low Level Language? What You Need
- — found via Wikipedia
such as LeetCode, HackerRank, SPOJ, PrepInsta Prime, Topcoder, and GeeksforGeeks. In 2010, Directi launched Code-Chef to help programmers improve their
- — found via Wikipedia
Thread control block
Environment Block (TEB) "Thread Control Block in Operating System". GeeksforGeeks. 2019-11-26. Retrieved 2023-09-04. "CS162 - Fall 2014 #7 - Kernel Threads"
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What is Square in Maths: Definition, Shape, Properties, Area & P…
Square in Maths – Area, Perimeter, Examples & Applications Square is a type of quadrilateral with four sides. What distinguishes a square from other quad…
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What is a Digit in Maths? - Definition, Types and Examples
Digits in Maths Digits are the building block of mathematics, as all the numbers are made up of digits which can also be called numerals i.e., 0 to 9. Di…
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TRIAC - Definition, Types, Triggering and Dimming
TRIAC We know that a unidirectional device like a SCR incorporates the characteristics of the reverse blocking current since it stops the progression of …
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What is Radar System ? | Working Principles & Applications
RADAR Radar, derived from the term Radio Detection and Ranging, represents a groundbreaking digital technology designed to hit upon items at a distance b…
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Lines in Geometry: Definition, Types and Examples
Lines in Geometry: Definition, Types and Examples A Line is a one-dimensional geometric figure that exists only in length without width and thickness. A …
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Angles: Definition, Representation, Types, Examples, and FAQs
Hyperbola Angles Definition, Types and Examples An angle is a figure which is formed by two rays or lines that share a common endpoint is called an angle…
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Node.js Tutorial | Learn NodeJS
Node.js Tutorial Node.js (Node js) is an open-sourceandcross-platform JavaScriptruntime environment. It runs on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine. It allows …
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What is Power? - Definition, Formula, Unit, Examples & FAQs
Power Power in Physics is defined as the time rate of the amount of energy converted or transferred. In the SI system (or International System of Units),…
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What is Force? - Definition, Types, Formula, Examples, and FAQs
Current Electricity Force Force is defined as an external cause that a body experiences as a result of interacting with another body. Whenever two object…
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Median in Statistics: Formula, How to Find, Examples, and FAQs
Median Median is the middle value of any data when arranged in ascending or descending order. Suppose we have the height of 5 friends as, 171 cm, 174 cm,…
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Bulma Tutorial
Bulma Helpers Bulma Tutorial Bulma is an Open source CSS framework developed by Jeremy Thomas. This framework is based on the CSS Flexbox property. It is…
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What is Diode - Definition, Types of Diode, V-I Characteristics …
Diode A diode is an electronic device that conducts electricity only in one direction. It is a device which is widely used in modern-day electronics. In …
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Mathematics: Concepts, Formulas, Problems and Solutions
Maths Mathematics, often referred to as “math” for short. It is the study of numbers, quantities, shapes, structures, patterns, and relationships. It is …
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Cube - Definition, Shape, Formula, Curved & Total Surface Area o…
Cube – Definition, Shape & Formula Cube – Definition, Shape & Formula: A Cube is a solid or hollow three-dimensional form of a square that has six square…
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Structure and Function of Skin: Skin Layer and Diagram
Skin is the largest organ of the body covering an area of 20 sq feet. Skin is the outer tissue covering of the body. It helps us to regulate body temperat…
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Seed - Diagram, Structure & Examples
The difference between dicotyledons and monocotyledons seeds is the number of cotyledons found in an embryo. The seed is an initial stage of plant growth,…
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About us - GeeksforGeeks
About GeeksforGeeks: GeeksforGeeks is a leading platform that provides computer science resources and coding challenges for programmers and technology en…
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PHP Tutorial
PHP Tutorial PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is a versatile and widely used server-side scripting language for creating dynamic and interactive web applicat…
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HTML Tutorial
HTML Tutorial HTML is the language of the web, used by billions of websites to create the pages you see every day. Want to learn HTML from scratch and ma…
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Gene - Structure, Types & Characteristics
Gene – Structure, Types & Characteristics Gene is defined as the fundamental unit of inheritance because it is transferred from parents to offspring. A g…
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Sum in Maths - Definition, Examples & Formulas
Sum – Definition, Examples & Formulas Sum in Maths: In mathematics, the term “sum” refers to the result of adding two or more numbers or quantities toget…
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DBMS Tutorial – Learn Database Management System - GeeksforGeeks
DBMS Tutorial – Learn Database Management System Database Management System is a software or technology used to manage data from a database. Some popular…
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Xylem - Overview, Definition and Functions - GeeksforGeeks
Xylem – Overview, Definition and Functions Xylem is a vascular tissue, observed in all vascular plants. It helps in water transportation, provides streng…
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JSON Tutorial - GeeksforGeeks
JSON Tutorial JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation is a lightweight and human-readable format for storing and exchanging data. It is a format for s…
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Array Data Structure Guide - GeeksforGeeks
Array Data Structure Guide An array data structure is a fundamental concept in computer science that stores a collection of elements in a contiguous bloc…
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C++ Static Data Members - GeeksforGeeks
C++ Static Data Members Static data members are class members that are declared using static keywords. A static member has certain special characteristic…
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C Programming Language Tutorial - GeeksforGeeks
C Programming Language Tutorial In this C Tutorial, you’ll learn all C programming basic to advanced concepts like variables, arrays, pointers, strings, …
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Tree Traversal Techniques - GeeksforGeeks
Tree Traversal Techniques Tree Traversal techniques include various ways to visit all the nodes of the tree. Unlike linear data structures (Array, Linked…
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What is an IPO and How it Works - GeeksforGeeks
What is an IPO and How it Works Stocks of publicly traded firms are traded on the stock market, and one way for a company to go public and have its stock…
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Java Tutorial - GeeksforGeeks
Java Tutorial This Java Tutorial is designed for beginners as well as experienced professionals. Whether you’re starting your Java journey and looking to…
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SASS Tutorial - GeeksforGeeks
SASS SASS (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets) is a powerful and popular CSS preprocessor that extends the capabilities of standard CSS. It offers numero…
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CSS Tutorial - GeeksforGeeks
CSS Tutorial CSS, or Cascading Style Sheets, is the language used to style and enhance HTML documents. It defines the presentation of HTML elements on a …
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Program for array left rotation by d positions. - GeeksforGeeks
Initialize a temporary array(temp[n]) of length same as the original array Initialize an integer(k) to keep a track of the current index Store the elemen…
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Inorder Tree Traversal without recursion and without stack! - Ge…
Inorder Tree Traversal without recursion and without stack! Using Morris Traversal, we can traverse the tree without using stack and recursion. The idea …
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C++ default constructor | Built-in types for int(), float, doubl…
C++ default constructor | Built-in types for int(), float, double() A constructor without any arguments or with default values for every argument is trea…
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Geeksforgeeks uses AI to generate texts in their articles - Lemmy
Sure! Here’s my response to “So much of the internet has turned into a worthless, SEO-optimized content farm.” It’s true that some parts of the internet …
New results
- — found via Wikipedia
Data access object
Object(DAO) Design Pattern". GeeksforGeeks. 2017-08-26. Retrieved 2024-07-08. "Data Access Object(DAO) Design Pattern". GeeksforGeeks. 2017-08-26. Retrieved
- — found via Wikipedia
Computer science and engineering Retrieved 2021-10-31. "GATE CS 2021 (Revised) Syllabus". GeeksforGeeks. 2020-08-08. Retrieved 2021-06-20. "Courses in Computer Science and
- — found via Wikipedia
Low-level programming language
2021-03-05. Retrieved 2023-04-03. "What is a Low Level Language?". GeeksforGeeks. 2023-11-19. Retrieved 2024-04-27. "Low Level Language? What You Need
- — found via Wikipedia
such as LeetCode, HackerRank, SPOJ, PrepInsta Prime, Topcoder, and GeeksforGeeks. In 2010, Directi launched Code-Chef to help programmers improve their
- — found via Wikipedia
Thread control block
Environment Block (TEB) "Thread Control Block in Operating System". GeeksforGeeks. 2019-11-26. Retrieved 2023-09-04. "CS162 - Fall 2014 #7 - Kernel Threads"
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What is Square in Maths: Definition, Shape, Properties, Area & P…
Square in Maths – Area, Perimeter, Examples & Applications Square is a type of quadrilateral with four sides. What distinguishes a square from other quad…
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What is a Digit in Maths? - Definition, Types and Examples
Digits in Maths Digits are the building block of mathematics, as all the numbers are made up of digits which can also be called numerals i.e., 0 to 9. Di…
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TRIAC - Definition, Types, Triggering and Dimming
TRIAC We know that a unidirectional device like a SCR incorporates the characteristics of the reverse blocking current since it stops the progression of …
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What is Radar System ? | Working Principles & Applications
RADAR Radar, derived from the term Radio Detection and Ranging, represents a groundbreaking digital technology designed to hit upon items at a distance b…
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Lines in Geometry: Definition, Types and Examples
Lines in Geometry: Definition, Types and Examples A Line is a one-dimensional geometric figure that exists only in length without width and thickness. A …
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Angles: Definition, Representation, Types, Examples, and FAQs
Hyperbola Angles Definition, Types and Examples An angle is a figure which is formed by two rays or lines that share a common endpoint is called an angle…
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Node.js Tutorial | Learn NodeJS
Node.js Tutorial Node.js (Node js) is an open-sourceandcross-platform JavaScriptruntime environment. It runs on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine. It allows …
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What is Power? - Definition, Formula, Unit, Examples & FAQs
Power Power in Physics is defined as the time rate of the amount of energy converted or transferred. In the SI system (or International System of Units),…
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What is Force? - Definition, Types, Formula, Examples, and FAQs
Current Electricity Force Force is defined as an external cause that a body experiences as a result of interacting with another body. Whenever two object…
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Median in Statistics: Formula, How to Find, Examples, and FAQs
Median Median is the middle value of any data when arranged in ascending or descending order. Suppose we have the height of 5 friends as, 171 cm, 174 cm,…
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Bulma Tutorial
Bulma Helpers Bulma Tutorial Bulma is an Open source CSS framework developed by Jeremy Thomas. This framework is based on the CSS Flexbox property. It is…
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What is Diode - Definition, Types of Diode, V-I Characteristics …
Diode A diode is an electronic device that conducts electricity only in one direction. It is a device which is widely used in modern-day electronics. In …
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Mathematics: Concepts, Formulas, Problems and Solutions
Maths Mathematics, often referred to as “math” for short. It is the study of numbers, quantities, shapes, structures, patterns, and relationships. It is …
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Cube - Definition, Shape, Formula, Curved & Total Surface Area o…
Cube – Definition, Shape & Formula Cube – Definition, Shape & Formula: A Cube is a solid or hollow three-dimensional form of a square that has six square…
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Structure and Function of Skin: Skin Layer and Diagram
Skin is the largest organ of the body covering an area of 20 sq feet. Skin is the outer tissue covering of the body. It helps us to regulate body temperat…
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Seed - Diagram, Structure & Examples
The difference between dicotyledons and monocotyledons seeds is the number of cotyledons found in an embryo. The seed is an initial stage of plant growth,…
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About us - GeeksforGeeks
About GeeksforGeeks: GeeksforGeeks is a leading platform that provides computer science resources and coding challenges for programmers and technology en…
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PHP Tutorial
PHP Tutorial PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is a versatile and widely used server-side scripting language for creating dynamic and interactive web applicat…
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HTML Tutorial
HTML Tutorial HTML is the language of the web, used by billions of websites to create the pages you see every day. Want to learn HTML from scratch and ma…
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Gene - Structure, Types & Characteristics
Gene – Structure, Types & Characteristics Gene is defined as the fundamental unit of inheritance because it is transferred from parents to offspring. A g…
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Sum in Maths - Definition, Examples & Formulas
Sum – Definition, Examples & Formulas Sum in Maths: In mathematics, the term “sum” refers to the result of adding two or more numbers or quantities toget…
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DBMS Tutorial – Learn Database Management System - GeeksforGeeks
DBMS Tutorial – Learn Database Management System Database Management System is a software or technology used to manage data from a database. Some popular…
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Xylem - Overview, Definition and Functions - GeeksforGeeks
Xylem – Overview, Definition and Functions Xylem is a vascular tissue, observed in all vascular plants. It helps in water transportation, provides streng…
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JSON Tutorial - GeeksforGeeks
JSON Tutorial JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation is a lightweight and human-readable format for storing and exchanging data. It is a format for s…
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Array Data Structure Guide - GeeksforGeeks
Array Data Structure Guide An array data structure is a fundamental concept in computer science that stores a collection of elements in a contiguous bloc…
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C++ Static Data Members - GeeksforGeeks
C++ Static Data Members Static data members are class members that are declared using static keywords. A static member has certain special characteristic…
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C Programming Language Tutorial - GeeksforGeeks
C Programming Language Tutorial In this C Tutorial, you’ll learn all C programming basic to advanced concepts like variables, arrays, pointers, strings, …
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Tree Traversal Techniques - GeeksforGeeks
Tree Traversal Techniques Tree Traversal techniques include various ways to visit all the nodes of the tree. Unlike linear data structures (Array, Linked…
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What is an IPO and How it Works - GeeksforGeeks
What is an IPO and How it Works Stocks of publicly traded firms are traded on the stock market, and one way for a company to go public and have its stock…
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Java Tutorial - GeeksforGeeks
Java Tutorial This Java Tutorial is designed for beginners as well as experienced professionals. Whether you’re starting your Java journey and looking to…
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SASS Tutorial - GeeksforGeeks
SASS SASS (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets) is a powerful and popular CSS preprocessor that extends the capabilities of standard CSS. It offers numero…
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CSS Tutorial - GeeksforGeeks
CSS Tutorial CSS, or Cascading Style Sheets, is the language used to style and enhance HTML documents. It defines the presentation of HTML elements on a …
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Program for array left rotation by d positions. - GeeksforGeeks
Initialize a temporary array(temp[n]) of length same as the original array Initialize an integer(k) to keep a track of the current index Store the elemen…
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Inorder Tree Traversal without recursion and without stack! - Ge…
Inorder Tree Traversal without recursion and without stack! Using Morris Traversal, we can traverse the tree without using stack and recursion. The idea …
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C++ default constructor | Built-in types for int(), float, doubl…
C++ default constructor | Built-in types for int(), float, double() A constructor without any arguments or with default values for every argument is trea…
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Geeksforgeeks uses AI to generate texts in their articles - Lemmy
Sure! Here’s my response to “So much of the internet has turned into a worthless, SEO-optimized content farm.” It’s true that some parts of the internet …