Curation by brochard 1 year, 2 months ago for query Eclipse
Original results
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Eclipse IDE | The Eclipse Foundation
Better Than Ever · Improved Java Development Tooling · Proven Extensibility · Improved Platform · Free and Open Source · Improved Plug-in Development Tooling.
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Eclipse Ballooning Project | Eclipse Ballooning Project
This page was created at Montana State University-Bozeman. We acknowledge and honor, with respect, the Indigenous Nations on whose traditional territories…
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This new global industry collaboration is focused on leveraging open source technologies to build a new model for seamless data exchange.
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Eclipse 2017
On Monday, August 21, 2017, all of North America will be treated to an eclipse of the sun. Anyone within the path of totality can see one of nature’s most…
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Eclipse Vert.x
People told you asynchronous programming is too hard for you? We strive to make programming with Vert.x an approachable experience, without s…
- — found via Google
Eclipse Desktop & Web IDEs | The Eclipse Foundation
An impressive collection of tools can be easily installed into your Eclipse desktop IDE, including GUI builders and tools for modeling, charting and reporting, ...
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Home | Solar Eclipse Across America
Two major solar eclipses are coming to North America! On Saturday, October 14, 2023, an annular ("ring of fire") eclipse sweeps from Oregon to Texas in a …
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Eclipse Jetty | The Eclipse Foundation
Jetty provides a web server and servlet container, additionally providing support for HTTP/2, WebSocket, OSGi, JMX, JNDI, JAAS and many other integrations…
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Arduino Eclipse IDE named Sloeber - Welcome!
You like Arduino , your projects are getting bigger and you feel the Arduino IDE is not powerful enough? This is about Sloeber a free, open source, Eclips…
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NASA Eclipse Web Site
This website is available as a resource for eclipse and transit records and information, but will not be updated. For the latest on future eclipses from N…
- — found via Google
Eclipse Downloads | The Eclipse Foundation
Download Eclipse Technology that is right for you ... The Eclipse Temurin™ project provides high-quality, TCK certified OpenJDK runtimes and associated technology ...
- — found via Google
About the Eclipse Foundation
The Eclipse Foundation provides four key services to the Eclipse community: 1) IP Management, 2) Ecosystem Development and Marketing, 3) Development Process, ...
- — found via Google
An eclipse is an awe-inspiring celestial event that drastically changes the appearance of the two biggest objects we see in our sky: our Sun and Moon. On Earth, ...
- — found via Mwmbl
Being Eclipsed
Being Eclipsed Friday, May 10, 2013 I am proud to announce Darker theme plugin 1.1 [1] for Eclipse 4.x platform. The reasons to be proud are two: It gets…
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How to View a Solar Eclipse Safely | Solar Eclipse Across America
Looking directly at the Sun is unsafe except during the brief total phase ("totality") of a total solar eclipse, when the Moon entirely blocks the Sun’s b…
- — found via Google
Eclipse IDE 2023-12 R Packages
An IDE for Embedded C/C++ developers. It includes managed cross build plug-ins (Arm and RISC-V) and debug plug-ins (SEGGER J-Link, OpenOCD, pyocd, and QEMU), ...
- — found via Mwmbl
NASA - Eclipses During 2014
Predictions for the eclipses are summarized in Figures 1 , 2 , 3 , and 4 . World maps show the regions of visibility for each eclipse. The lunar eclipse d…
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NASA - Eclipses During 2013
Predictions for the eclipses are summarized in Figures 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , and 6 . World maps show the regions of visibility for each eclipse. The lunar e…
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NASA - Eclipses During 2012
Predictions for the eclipses are summarized in Figures 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 . 5 , and 6 . World maps show the regions of visibility for each eclipse. The lunar e…
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NASA - Eclipses During 2009
Predictions for the eclipses are summarized in Figures 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , and 8 . World maps show the regions of visibility for each eclipse. The…
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Eclipse Public License version 2.0 | Open Source Initiative
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Eclipse (software)
Eclipse is an integrated development environment (IDE) used in computer programming. It contains a base workspace and an extensible plug-in system for ...
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NASA - Eclipses and the Saros
The periodicity and recurrence of eclipses is governed by the Saros cycle, a period of approximately 6,585.3 days (18 years 11 days 8 hours). It was known…
- — found via Mwmbl
NASA - Five Millennium Catalog of Solar Eclipses
Eclipses of the Sun can only occur when the Moon is near one of its two orbital nodes [ 1 ] during the New Moon phase . It is then possible for the Moon's…
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Eclipse Public License 1.0 (EPL-1.0) | Open Source Initiative
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Catalog of Lunar Eclipses: 2101 to 2200
Eclipses of the Moon can only occur during the Full Moon phase. It is then possible for the Moon to pass through Earth’s penumbral or umbral shadows there…
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Reputable Vendors of Solar Filters & Viewers | Solar Eclipse Acr…
Here you'll find lists of reputable manufacturers of solar filters and viewers; these include companies with which members of the AAS Solar Eclipse Task F…
- — found via Mwmbl
Eclipse our Sins by Tlotlo Tsamaase : Clarkesworld Magazine – Sc…
I pray to You, Mother Earth, Mama Earth, Mmê Earth: Sun, hide your eye, eclipse your birth from our sins. When Climate Change came, It tore into You…
- — found via Mwmbl
How to Tell If Your Eclipse Glasses or Handheld Solar Viewers Ar…
Eye Safety / How to Tell If Your Eclipse Glasses or Handheld Solar Viewers Are Safe How to Tell If Your Eclipse Glasses or Handheld Solar Viewers Are Safe…
- — found via Mwmbl
Catalog of Long Total Solar Eclipses: 2001 to 3000
Eclipses of the Sun can only occur during the New Moon phase. It is then possible for the Moon's penumbral, umbral or antumbral shadows to sweep across Ea…
- — found via Mwmbl
Lunar eclipses illuminate timing and climate impact of medieval …
This repository contains all the data and codes needed to reproduce the results and figures from the article "Lunar Eclipses Illuminate Timing and Climat…
- — found via Mwmbl
The Eclipses Recorded by Thucydides on JSTOR
Historia is an international, peer-reviewed journal focusing on Greek and Roman antiquity. Original articles feature research on Greek and Hellenistic his…
- — found via Mwmbl
Solar eclipses: What are they? | Space
A solar eclipse occurs when the moon gets between Earth and the sun , and the moon casts a shadow over Earth. A solar eclipse can only take place during t…
- — found via Mwmbl
Great American Eclipse
Experience nature’s greatest sight — a total eclipse of the Sun on April 8, 2024! The shadow of the Moon eclipses Mexico, the United States, and Canada an…
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Safety | Eclipses – NASA Solar System Exploration
Except during the brief total phase of a total solar eclipse, when the Moon completely blocks the Sun’s bright face, it is not safe to look directly at th…
- — found via Mwmbl
Planet Eclipse
I rode my bike today I followed the road from my house to the park, and meandered down the path that I ride several times a week. Every ride is the same,…
- — found via Mwmbl
Mailing list: sisu-users (31 subscribers) | Eclipse - The Eclips…
Subscribing sisu-users All contributions you make to our web site are governed by our Terms Of Use. Your interactions with the Eclipse Foundation web pro…
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What are lunar eclipses and how do they occur? | Space
Lunar eclipses happen when Earth positions itself between the sun and the moon, casting a shadow across the lunar surface. They can only occur during a fu…
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Modern Eclipses - Part Two
Modern Eclipses - Part Two Total Solar Eclipse of Louis XV (1724 CE) The last total eclipse of the Sun visible in Paris occurred on May 22, 1724 CE. The …
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EclipseLink Solutions Guide for EclipseLink
The initial contribution of this content was based on work copyrighted by Oracle and was submitted with permission. Print date: December, 2022 Preface Ecl…
- — found via Mwmbl
Big Blue eclipsed at LinuxExpo • The Register
Oh no, you're thinking, yet another cookie pop-up. Well, sorry, it's the law. We measure how many people read us, and ensure you see relevant ads, by stor…
-,_1919 — found via Mwmbl
Solar eclipse of May 29, 1919 - Wikipedia
This eclipse is a member of a semester series. An eclipse in a semester series of solar eclipses repeats approximately every 177 days and 4 hours (a semes…
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Total Lunar Eclipse on January 20–21, 2019 – Where and When to S…
Some of the total phase was visible. Missed part of total, partial & penumbral phases. Some of the partial phase was visible. Missed total phase and part …
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Earth's eclipses are special | Astronomy Essentials | EarthSky
Earth’s eclipses are special You might have heard that the Earth is the only planet in our solar system that experiences eclipses. That is not true. Grant…
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NASA - Total Solar Eclipse of 2019 Jul 02
This interactive Google map [1] shows the path of the Total Solar Eclipse of 2019 Jul 02 . The northern and southern path limits are blue and the central …
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Hybrid solar eclipse -
The outermost red contour on the map above traces where in the world the eclipse will be visible – i.e., where the Moon will cover any part of the Sun's d…
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Eclipsed by Fame | James Gleick | The New York Review of Books
The world’s first scientist-celebrity, Isaac Newton, was entombed in Westminster Abbey with high ceremony, alongside statesmen and royalty, under a monume…
- — found via Mwmbl
Mandarin Eclipses Cantonese, Changing the Sound of Chinatown - T…
He grew up playing in the narrow, crowded streets of Manhattan’s Chinatown. He has lived and worked there for all his 61 years. But as Wee Wong walks the …
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Eclipsed’s Danai Gurira’s Advice to Young Female Writers: ‘Go Wh…
Tony-nominated Eclipsed playwright and The Walking Dead star Danai Gurira knows something about writing. While speaking at the Lilly Awards, which honored…
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Apex Legends - The Next Evolution of Hero Shooter - Free to Play
Apex Legends: Eclipse Explore the remnants of the new map Broken Moon by new Zip Rails, a fast new way to travel through the brutal beauty of the lunar la…
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Types | About – NASA Solar System Exploration
Solar eclipses occur when the Sun, the Moon, and Earth line up, either fully or partially. Depending on how they align, eclipses provide a unique, excitin…
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Lecture 9: Eclipses of the Sun & Moon
Because the Sun appears as a disk ~1/2° across, Sun shadows are fuzzy rather than sharp. This means shadows cast by the Earth & Moon are two-part shadows:…
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(PDF) Eclipse Imagery on the Aztec Calendar Stone | Susan Milbra…
A detailed iconographic analysis of the Aztec Calendar Stone, also known as the Stone of the Sun, provides evidence for a new interpretation of the imager…
- — found via Mwmbl
RWT (Eclipse RAP 3.24.0-SNAPSHOT API Reference)
The property to use in Display.setData() in order to activate global key events for certain key sequences. The value for this property has to be an array …
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FAQ | Prepare – NASA Solar System Exploration
2023 Annular Eclipse Frequently Asked Questions General What you will see during the annular eclipse depends on where you are viewing the event. Those in…
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List of saros series for lunar eclipses - Wikipedia
Lunar eclipses are grouped by their saros number , each series lasts between 1200 and 1600 years and contains from 69 to 89 lunar eclipses. Lunar eclipses…
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Amazon Eclipsed Early Partners Yahoo, AOL, Netscape From 1997 Le…
The internet has dramatically changed in the few decades of its existence, and a remark from an early Amazon shareholder letter provides an interesting vi…
- — found via Mwmbl
Myths Aside, Eclipses Don't Endanger Pregnancies | Live Science
A total solar eclipse, seconds before totality, when a single bead of the sun's disk is still visible. (Image credit: NASA) The Aug. 21 total solar eclips…
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Utah attorney general’s race turns into a name-calling slug fest
While eclipsed by the governor’s race, the election for Utah attorney general is heating up as the state political party conventions approach, with some c…
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Union Muscle Eclipsed by High-Profile Conservative Groups During…
During 2009 and 2010, labor unions reported spending a combined $46.7 million on messaging designed to aide their preferred federal political candidates, …
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UISession (Eclipse RAP 3.24.0-SNAPSHOT API Reference)
Interface UISession In contrast to the HttpSession it is possible to register a listener that is notified before the session is destroyed. This listener …
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Top 5 Free Online Courses to Learn Eclipse and JUnit for Beginne…
Both Eclipse and JUnit are two of the essential tools for Java Developers. Eclipse is a Java IDE, Integrated Development environment which allows you to c…
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Photo Tips: Shooting the Moon
Lunar eclipses happen when the sun , moon , and Earth are aligned just right for Earth's shadow to cover the moon—and make it appear red. Photograph by Er…
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He's awake! The Saturday interview: Ken Clarke | Kenneth Clarke …
Ken Clarke eclipsed the chancellor this week when he was spotted snoozing during the budget. But he was listening George, really... 'I have been candidly …
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India to eclipse China as aerospace’s next frontier | Analysis |…
India has displaced China as the global aerospace industry’s growth frontier, with a bigger orderbook and a more welcoming economic and geopolitical outlo…
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Coltan, Cell Phones, and Conflict: The War Economy of the DRC
Eclipsed by the world economic downturn, the great heist of the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s (DRC) resources continues unabated. In recent weeks, fo…
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Right-wing terrorism is on the rise, and the president’s rhetori…
Politics quickly eclipsed horror after Robert Bowers allegedly gunned down 11 worshipers at a Pittsburgh synagogue in October. The shooting, the worst ant…
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Spotify Eclipses 205 Million Paid Subscribers, Better Than Predi…
Joan E. Solsman was CNET's senior media reporter, covering the intersection of entertainment and technology. She's reported from locations spanning from D…
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Senate looks to update and deepen U.S.-Taiwan relationship - The…
Eclipsed by the will-she-won’t-she of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi ’s possible trip to Taiwan is a will-they-can-they of lawmakers taking up bipartisan legi…
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Adam Schiff eclipses California Senate rivals with $6.5 million …
His campaign hailed the fundraising as "the most any Democratic Senate candidate has ever raised at this point in the cycle." California's Democratic Sena…
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Factom Price Soars after Integration with Microsoft's Azure Bloc…
Blockchains have eclipsed bitcoin in the mainstream media lately, largely due to financial institutions looking for ways to use blockchains. But in additi…
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Inflation eclipses fears of recession as top concern for America…
Inflation eclipses fears of recession as top concern for Americans this summer 51% of Americans’ financial situation has worsened since the start of the p…
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Milan Models Eclipsed by M&A Chatter as Prada Deal Sets Stage - …
Men’s spring-summer 2012 in Milan may be the first fashion season where clothing and accessories are the last things on people’s minds. As PPR SA hunts as…
-'s-online-videos-eclipse-1-billion-views/ — found via Mwmbl
Conservative Juggernaut PragerU’s Online Videos Eclipse 1 Billio…
“PragerU has eclipsed 1 billion views much faster than anyone predicted, and viewership is rapidly accelerating,” says Marissa Streit, CEO of PragerU. “It…
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280-Pound NFL Draft Prospects Run Unthinkably Fast 40-Yard Dashe…
It eclipsed the previous best of 4.68 seconds co-owned by fellow Pitt alum Aaron Donald, who went on to become a three-time NFL Defensive Player of the Ye…
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AbbVie surprised investors with its hepatitis C success. Will it…
Sales eclipsed $10 billion in the first full year, the start of a dominant therapeutic franchise that would earn Gilead more than $50 billion between 2014…
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Eclipses (The Night Sky: and Other Amazing Sights in Space): Hun…
This book looks at solar and lunar eclipses, providing background information about the Sun, the Moon and our planet. The book covers what an eclipse is, …
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How Do You Tell the Difference Between Total, Annular, Solar, an…
Traditionally, eclipses are divided into two major types: solar and lunar . Solar eclipses occur when the Moon passes between Earth and the Sun, leaving a…
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Salesforce eclipses Oracle in market cap
So far this month Salesforce , whose cloud software helps corporate salespeople stay on top of their leads, is managing to stay more valuable than one of …
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Communal focus eclipses failing economy, unemployment in Uttarak…
The Dharma Sansad organised in December last year in Haridwar made national headlines for its hate speeches against a particular community. A few days ag…
New results
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Eclipse IDE | The Eclipse Foundation
Better Than Ever · Improved Java Development Tooling · Proven Extensibility · Improved Platform · Free and Open Source · Improved Plug-in Development Tooling.
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Eclipse Ballooning Project | Eclipse Ballooning Project
This page was created at Montana State University-Bozeman. We acknowledge and honor, with respect, the Indigenous Nations on whose traditional territories…
- — found via Google
This new global industry collaboration is focused on leveraging open source technologies to build a new model for seamless data exchange.
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Eclipse 2017
On Monday, August 21, 2017, all of North America will be treated to an eclipse of the sun. Anyone within the path of totality can see one of nature’s most…
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Eclipse Vert.x
People told you asynchronous programming is too hard for you? We strive to make programming with Vert.x an approachable experience, without s…
- — found via Google
Eclipse Desktop & Web IDEs | The Eclipse Foundation
An impressive collection of tools can be easily installed into your Eclipse desktop IDE, including GUI builders and tools for modeling, charting and reporting, ...
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Home | Solar Eclipse Across America
Two major solar eclipses are coming to North America! On Saturday, October 14, 2023, an annular ("ring of fire") eclipse sweeps from Oregon to Texas in a …
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Eclipse Jetty | The Eclipse Foundation
Jetty provides a web server and servlet container, additionally providing support for HTTP/2, WebSocket, OSGi, JMX, JNDI, JAAS and many other integrations…
- — found via Mwmbl
Arduino Eclipse IDE named Sloeber - Welcome!
You like Arduino , your projects are getting bigger and you feel the Arduino IDE is not powerful enough? This is about Sloeber a free, open source, Eclips…
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NASA Eclipse Web Site
This website is available as a resource for eclipse and transit records and information, but will not be updated. For the latest on future eclipses from N…
- — found via Google
Eclipse Downloads | The Eclipse Foundation
Download Eclipse Technology that is right for you ... The Eclipse Temurin™ project provides high-quality, TCK certified OpenJDK runtimes and associated technology ...
- — found via Google
About the Eclipse Foundation
The Eclipse Foundation provides four key services to the Eclipse community: 1) IP Management, 2) Ecosystem Development and Marketing, 3) Development Process, ...
- — found via Google
An eclipse is an awe-inspiring celestial event that drastically changes the appearance of the two biggest objects we see in our sky: our Sun and Moon. On Earth, ...
- — found via Mwmbl
Being Eclipsed
Being Eclipsed Friday, May 10, 2013 I am proud to announce Darker theme plugin 1.1 [1] for Eclipse 4.x platform. The reasons to be proud are two: It gets…
- — found via Mwmbl
How to View a Solar Eclipse Safely | Solar Eclipse Across America
Looking directly at the Sun is unsafe except during the brief total phase ("totality") of a total solar eclipse, when the Moon entirely blocks the Sun’s b…
- — found via Google
Eclipse IDE 2023-12 R Packages
An IDE for Embedded C/C++ developers. It includes managed cross build plug-ins (Arm and RISC-V) and debug plug-ins (SEGGER J-Link, OpenOCD, pyocd, and QEMU), ...
- — found via Mwmbl
NASA - Eclipses During 2014
Predictions for the eclipses are summarized in Figures 1 , 2 , 3 , and 4 . World maps show the regions of visibility for each eclipse. The lunar eclipse d…
- — found via Mwmbl
NASA - Eclipses During 2013
Predictions for the eclipses are summarized in Figures 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , and 6 . World maps show the regions of visibility for each eclipse. The lunar e…
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NASA - Eclipses During 2012
Predictions for the eclipses are summarized in Figures 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 . 5 , and 6 . World maps show the regions of visibility for each eclipse. The lunar e…
- — found via Mwmbl
NASA - Eclipses During 2009
Predictions for the eclipses are summarized in Figures 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , and 8 . World maps show the regions of visibility for each eclipse. The…
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Eclipse Public License version 2.0 | Open Source Initiative
- — found via Google
Eclipse (software)
Eclipse is an integrated development environment (IDE) used in computer programming. It contains a base workspace and an extensible plug-in system for ...
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NASA - Eclipses and the Saros
The periodicity and recurrence of eclipses is governed by the Saros cycle, a period of approximately 6,585.3 days (18 years 11 days 8 hours). It was known…
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NASA - Five Millennium Catalog of Solar Eclipses
Eclipses of the Sun can only occur when the Moon is near one of its two orbital nodes [ 1 ] during the New Moon phase . It is then possible for the Moon's…
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Eclipse Public License 1.0 (EPL-1.0) | Open Source Initiative
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Catalog of Lunar Eclipses: 2101 to 2200
Eclipses of the Moon can only occur during the Full Moon phase. It is then possible for the Moon to pass through Earth’s penumbral or umbral shadows there…
- — found via Mwmbl
Reputable Vendors of Solar Filters & Viewers | Solar Eclipse Acr…
Here you'll find lists of reputable manufacturers of solar filters and viewers; these include companies with which members of the AAS Solar Eclipse Task F…
- — found via Mwmbl
Eclipse our Sins by Tlotlo Tsamaase : Clarkesworld Magazine – Sc…
I pray to You, Mother Earth, Mama Earth, Mmê Earth: Sun, hide your eye, eclipse your birth from our sins. When Climate Change came, It tore into You…
- — found via Mwmbl
How to Tell If Your Eclipse Glasses or Handheld Solar Viewers Ar…
Eye Safety / How to Tell If Your Eclipse Glasses or Handheld Solar Viewers Are Safe How to Tell If Your Eclipse Glasses or Handheld Solar Viewers Are Safe…
- — found via Mwmbl
Catalog of Long Total Solar Eclipses: 2001 to 3000
Eclipses of the Sun can only occur during the New Moon phase. It is then possible for the Moon's penumbral, umbral or antumbral shadows to sweep across Ea…
- — found via Mwmbl
Lunar eclipses illuminate timing and climate impact of medieval …
This repository contains all the data and codes needed to reproduce the results and figures from the article "Lunar Eclipses Illuminate Timing and Climat…
- — found via Mwmbl
The Eclipses Recorded by Thucydides on JSTOR
Historia is an international, peer-reviewed journal focusing on Greek and Roman antiquity. Original articles feature research on Greek and Hellenistic his…
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Solar eclipses: What are they? | Space
A solar eclipse occurs when the moon gets between Earth and the sun , and the moon casts a shadow over Earth. A solar eclipse can only take place during t…
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Great American Eclipse
Experience nature’s greatest sight — a total eclipse of the Sun on April 8, 2024! The shadow of the Moon eclipses Mexico, the United States, and Canada an…
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Safety | Eclipses – NASA Solar System Exploration
Except during the brief total phase of a total solar eclipse, when the Moon completely blocks the Sun’s bright face, it is not safe to look directly at th…
- — found via Mwmbl
Planet Eclipse
I rode my bike today I followed the road from my house to the park, and meandered down the path that I ride several times a week. Every ride is the same,…
- — found via Mwmbl
Mailing list: sisu-users (31 subscribers) | Eclipse - The Eclips…
Subscribing sisu-users All contributions you make to our web site are governed by our Terms Of Use. Your interactions with the Eclipse Foundation web pro…
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What are lunar eclipses and how do they occur? | Space
Lunar eclipses happen when Earth positions itself between the sun and the moon, casting a shadow across the lunar surface. They can only occur during a fu…
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Modern Eclipses - Part Two
Modern Eclipses - Part Two Total Solar Eclipse of Louis XV (1724 CE) The last total eclipse of the Sun visible in Paris occurred on May 22, 1724 CE. The …
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EclipseLink Solutions Guide for EclipseLink
The initial contribution of this content was based on work copyrighted by Oracle and was submitted with permission. Print date: December, 2022 Preface Ecl…
- — found via Mwmbl
Big Blue eclipsed at LinuxExpo • The Register
Oh no, you're thinking, yet another cookie pop-up. Well, sorry, it's the law. We measure how many people read us, and ensure you see relevant ads, by stor…
-,_1919 — found via Mwmbl
Solar eclipse of May 29, 1919 - Wikipedia
This eclipse is a member of a semester series. An eclipse in a semester series of solar eclipses repeats approximately every 177 days and 4 hours (a semes…
- — found via Mwmbl
Total Lunar Eclipse on January 20–21, 2019 – Where and When to S…
Some of the total phase was visible. Missed part of total, partial & penumbral phases. Some of the partial phase was visible. Missed total phase and part …
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Earth's eclipses are special | Astronomy Essentials | EarthSky
Earth’s eclipses are special You might have heard that the Earth is the only planet in our solar system that experiences eclipses. That is not true. Grant…
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NASA - Total Solar Eclipse of 2019 Jul 02
This interactive Google map [1] shows the path of the Total Solar Eclipse of 2019 Jul 02 . The northern and southern path limits are blue and the central …
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Hybrid solar eclipse -
The outermost red contour on the map above traces where in the world the eclipse will be visible – i.e., where the Moon will cover any part of the Sun's d…
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Eclipsed by Fame | James Gleick | The New York Review of Books
The world’s first scientist-celebrity, Isaac Newton, was entombed in Westminster Abbey with high ceremony, alongside statesmen and royalty, under a monume…
- — found via Mwmbl
Mandarin Eclipses Cantonese, Changing the Sound of Chinatown - T…
He grew up playing in the narrow, crowded streets of Manhattan’s Chinatown. He has lived and worked there for all his 61 years. But as Wee Wong walks the …
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Eclipsed’s Danai Gurira’s Advice to Young Female Writers: ‘Go Wh…
Tony-nominated Eclipsed playwright and The Walking Dead star Danai Gurira knows something about writing. While speaking at the Lilly Awards, which honored…
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Apex Legends - The Next Evolution of Hero Shooter - Free to Play
Apex Legends: Eclipse Explore the remnants of the new map Broken Moon by new Zip Rails, a fast new way to travel through the brutal beauty of the lunar la…
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Types | About – NASA Solar System Exploration
Solar eclipses occur when the Sun, the Moon, and Earth line up, either fully or partially. Depending on how they align, eclipses provide a unique, excitin…
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Lecture 9: Eclipses of the Sun & Moon
Because the Sun appears as a disk ~1/2° across, Sun shadows are fuzzy rather than sharp. This means shadows cast by the Earth & Moon are two-part shadows:…
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(PDF) Eclipse Imagery on the Aztec Calendar Stone | Susan Milbra…
A detailed iconographic analysis of the Aztec Calendar Stone, also known as the Stone of the Sun, provides evidence for a new interpretation of the imager…
- — found via Mwmbl
RWT (Eclipse RAP 3.24.0-SNAPSHOT API Reference)
The property to use in Display.setData() in order to activate global key events for certain key sequences. The value for this property has to be an array …
- — found via Mwmbl
FAQ | Prepare – NASA Solar System Exploration
2023 Annular Eclipse Frequently Asked Questions General What you will see during the annular eclipse depends on where you are viewing the event. Those in…
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List of saros series for lunar eclipses - Wikipedia
Lunar eclipses are grouped by their saros number , each series lasts between 1200 and 1600 years and contains from 69 to 89 lunar eclipses. Lunar eclipses…
- — found via Mwmbl
Amazon Eclipsed Early Partners Yahoo, AOL, Netscape From 1997 Le…
The internet has dramatically changed in the few decades of its existence, and a remark from an early Amazon shareholder letter provides an interesting vi…
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Myths Aside, Eclipses Don't Endanger Pregnancies | Live Science
A total solar eclipse, seconds before totality, when a single bead of the sun's disk is still visible. (Image credit: NASA) The Aug. 21 total solar eclips…
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Utah attorney general’s race turns into a name-calling slug fest
While eclipsed by the governor’s race, the election for Utah attorney general is heating up as the state political party conventions approach, with some c…
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Union Muscle Eclipsed by High-Profile Conservative Groups During…
During 2009 and 2010, labor unions reported spending a combined $46.7 million on messaging designed to aide their preferred federal political candidates, …
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UISession (Eclipse RAP 3.24.0-SNAPSHOT API Reference)
Interface UISession In contrast to the HttpSession it is possible to register a listener that is notified before the session is destroyed. This listener …
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Top 5 Free Online Courses to Learn Eclipse and JUnit for Beginne…
Both Eclipse and JUnit are two of the essential tools for Java Developers. Eclipse is a Java IDE, Integrated Development environment which allows you to c…
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Photo Tips: Shooting the Moon
Lunar eclipses happen when the sun , moon , and Earth are aligned just right for Earth's shadow to cover the moon—and make it appear red. Photograph by Er…
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He's awake! The Saturday interview: Ken Clarke | Kenneth Clarke …
Ken Clarke eclipsed the chancellor this week when he was spotted snoozing during the budget. But he was listening George, really... 'I have been candidly …
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India to eclipse China as aerospace’s next frontier | Analysis |…
India has displaced China as the global aerospace industry’s growth frontier, with a bigger orderbook and a more welcoming economic and geopolitical outlo…
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Coltan, Cell Phones, and Conflict: The War Economy of the DRC
Eclipsed by the world economic downturn, the great heist of the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s (DRC) resources continues unabated. In recent weeks, fo…
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Right-wing terrorism is on the rise, and the president’s rhetori…
Politics quickly eclipsed horror after Robert Bowers allegedly gunned down 11 worshipers at a Pittsburgh synagogue in October. The shooting, the worst ant…
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Spotify Eclipses 205 Million Paid Subscribers, Better Than Predi…
Joan E. Solsman was CNET's senior media reporter, covering the intersection of entertainment and technology. She's reported from locations spanning from D…
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Senate looks to update and deepen U.S.-Taiwan relationship - The…
Eclipsed by the will-she-won’t-she of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi ’s possible trip to Taiwan is a will-they-can-they of lawmakers taking up bipartisan legi…
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Adam Schiff eclipses California Senate rivals with $6.5 million …
His campaign hailed the fundraising as "the most any Democratic Senate candidate has ever raised at this point in the cycle." California's Democratic Sena…
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Factom Price Soars after Integration with Microsoft's Azure Bloc…
Blockchains have eclipsed bitcoin in the mainstream media lately, largely due to financial institutions looking for ways to use blockchains. But in additi…
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Inflation eclipses fears of recession as top concern for America…
Inflation eclipses fears of recession as top concern for Americans this summer 51% of Americans’ financial situation has worsened since the start of the p…
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Milan Models Eclipsed by M&A Chatter as Prada Deal Sets Stage - …
Men’s spring-summer 2012 in Milan may be the first fashion season where clothing and accessories are the last things on people’s minds. As PPR SA hunts as…
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Conservative Juggernaut PragerU’s Online Videos Eclipse 1 Billio…
“PragerU has eclipsed 1 billion views much faster than anyone predicted, and viewership is rapidly accelerating,” says Marissa Streit, CEO of PragerU. “It…
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280-Pound NFL Draft Prospects Run Unthinkably Fast 40-Yard Dashe…
It eclipsed the previous best of 4.68 seconds co-owned by fellow Pitt alum Aaron Donald, who went on to become a three-time NFL Defensive Player of the Ye…
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AbbVie surprised investors with its hepatitis C success. Will it…
Sales eclipsed $10 billion in the first full year, the start of a dominant therapeutic franchise that would earn Gilead more than $50 billion between 2014…
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Eclipses (The Night Sky: and Other Amazing Sights in Space): Hun…
This book looks at solar and lunar eclipses, providing background information about the Sun, the Moon and our planet. The book covers what an eclipse is, …
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How Do You Tell the Difference Between Total, Annular, Solar, an…
Traditionally, eclipses are divided into two major types: solar and lunar . Solar eclipses occur when the Moon passes between Earth and the Sun, leaving a…
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Salesforce eclipses Oracle in market cap
So far this month Salesforce , whose cloud software helps corporate salespeople stay on top of their leads, is managing to stay more valuable than one of …
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Communal focus eclipses failing economy, unemployment in Uttarak…
The Dharma Sansad organised in December last year in Haridwar made national headlines for its hate speeches against a particular community. A few days ag…