Curation by crmsnbleyd 1 year, 2 months ago for query sed
Original results
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Sedo Technologies -- -- MSBuild, .NET, MSDeploy, WCF, Training, …
We are the experts on Build. We have a recognized expert in MSBuild. As applications and services become more complex and inter-connected your build pro…
- — found via Mwmbl
Sedo Technologies -- Resources -- MSBuild, .NET, MSDeploy, WCF, …
Build We are the experts on Build. We have a recognized expert in MSBuild. As applications and services become more complex and inter-connected your buil…
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SED (In)Security: Hardware-based Full Disk Encryption (In)Securi…
SED (In)Security: Hardware-based Full Disk Encryption (In)Security Hardware-based Full Disk Encryption (In)Security Abstract:Self-encrypting drives (SEDs…
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sed(1) - OpenBSD manual pages
The sed utility reads the specified files, or the standard input if no files are specified, modifying the input as specified by a list of commands. The in…
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Encountered a 404 error
Reporting this problem: The problem you have encountered is with a project web site hosted by This issue should be reported to the Sourc…
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Archos G9 stuff
Archos G9 stuff Get root Alternative operating system Important notice: all what is described in this page is for the archos G9 A80S, the one I have. The…
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sed Man Page - macOS -
SED is a stream editor. A stream editor is used to perform basic text transformations on an input stream (a file or input from a pipeline). While in som…
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sed Man Page - Linux -
SED is a stream editor. A stream editor is used to perform basic text transformations on an input stream (a file or input from a pipeline). While in som…
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Try It Online
TIO is a family of online interpreters for an evergrowing list of practical and recreational programming languages. To use TIO, simply click the arrow bel…
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sed - Wikipedia
sed ("stream editor") is a Unix utility that parses and transforms text, using a simple, compact programming language. It was developed from 1973 to 1974 …
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SEDOL - Wikipedia
SEDOL stands for Stock Exchange Daily Official List , a list of security identifiers used in the United Kingdom and Ireland for clearing purposes. The num…
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We’ve detected that JavaScript is disabled in this browser. Please enable JavaScript or switch to a supported browser to continue using You c…
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These General Terms and Conditions have been translated into English, French, Spanish and Chinese and are provided as a service to customers online. The c…
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QUIC Working Group
The IETF QUIC Working Group produced QUIC version 1 — a UDP-based, stream-multiplexing, encrypted transport protocol. The protocol itself is published as …
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NameMonetizer – making money with domain names
Name Monetizer, Domain Parking News, and chronicled the domain monetization industry from the late 1990s through 2015. During this time doma…
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Sed - An Introduction and Tutorial
Last modified: Mon Dec 7 10:13:59 2020 Copyright 1994, 1995 Bruce Barnett and General Electric Company Copyright 2001,2005,2007,2011,2013 Bruce Barnet…
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SED Home - University of Houston
The world is changing faster than at any time in history – especially in the world of energy. Society today has 3 fundamental expectations for our energy …
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Sedition | Wex | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute
Sedition Primary tabs Sedition is language intended to incite insurrection against the governing authority. Edward Jenks, in The Book of English Law, con…
- — found via Mwmbl is available for purchase -
Why Trust Sedo with your domain purchase? Trust is an important factor especially when dealing with virtual products like domains. That is why security i…
- — found via Mwmbl
Lee Sedol at Sensei's Library
Lee Sedol (b. March 2, 1983) is a professional Korean 9- dan . He is known for being regarded as the best player in the world from 2007-2008 and 2011-2012…
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Buy. Park. Sell. Domains | Sedo - World's leading Domain marketp…
"This particular domain is unique to the service I plan to launch. People can immediately identify what type of service is behind such a name. Sedo was in…
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GNU sed 4.2.2 released; maintainer resigns []
I am pleased to announce the release of GNU sed 4.2.2. The latest release has the following bug fixes and new features: * don't misbehave (truncate input…
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Sedition & Seditious Libel - Definition, Origin and Use
Sedition and seditious libel What is sedition? Sedition is overt conduct that instils insurrection (unrest) or contempt in the general population against…
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sed - Replace text quickly in very large file - Unix & Linux Sta…
Do you know the line numbers where the text to replace is? If not your only option for speeding it up is to get a faster computer. The fact that you have …
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sed(1) - Linux manual page
Sed is a stream editor. A stream editor is used to perform basic text transformations on an input stream (a file or input from a pipeline). While in some…
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sed for Windows
Sed (streams editor) isn't really a true text editor or text processor. Instead, it is used to filter text, i.e., it takes text input and performs some op…
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Sedition law: India's Supreme Court puts controversial law on ho…
Sedition law: India's Supreme Court puts controversial law on hold India's Supreme Court has put a controversial colonial-era sedition law on hold that c…
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Price list for domain buyers & sellers | Sedo Domain Services
You can buy a domain on our trading platform at a fixed price, negotiate with the seller, or purchase it through a domain auction. If you choose wire tran…
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Lee Sedol - Wikipedia
On 19 November 2019, Lee announced his retirement from professional play, stating that he could never be the top overall player of Go due to the increasin…
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Lee Sedol – Wikipedia
↑Chen Xieyuan: Lee Sedol Says Not Defeat of Humans after Historic Go Match with AlphaGo. China Radio International, 13. März 2016, abgerufen am 13. März …
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Lee sedol stories at Techdirt.
from the urls-we-dig-up dept In case you missed it, humanity has been dealt a decisive intellectual blow by a go-playing computer program called AlphaGo.…
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Domain Names: A milestone towards success | Sedo's Market Trends
Domain Market Trends Top 10 keywords in Sedo search With more than 370 million registered domains, almost every term imaginable can be found in a domain …
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Privacy Policy | Sedition
Privacy Policy Sedition takes data privacy and protection very seriously. The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to let you know what information we colle…
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Domain Auctions | Sell domains to the highest bidder | Sedo
Flexibility or a selling guarantee - You decide. Start an auction whenever you want Start a Direct Auction and auction off your domain whenever and howev…
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iexpress SED file - Windows CMD -
If the %AppLaunched% property is set to run a batch file (.BAT or .CMD) it will fail with the following error: "Error creating process /c ... …
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kitt price - School of English and Drama
I arrived at Queen Mary in September 2012, having previously taught English and Creative Writing for 8 years at Anglia Ruskin University. Before that I wa…
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linux - sed command with -i option (in-place editing) works fine…
@AnthonySottile: The suggested duplicate is definitely closely related, except that - unlike this question - it specifically asks for a solution that work…
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Domain Transfer Services | Security for buyer & seller | Sedo
As soon as the buyer and seller have reached an agreement using our trading platform, our free Transfer Service ensures secure payment and transfer of the…
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Terrestrial Information Systems Laboratory
SED will honor a No Meeting Week in observance of the Christmas to New Year holiday, December 25-29. All directorate-level meetings will be canceled or re…
- — found via Mwmbl is available for purchase -
Why Trust Sedo with your domain purchase? Trust is an important factor especially when dealing with virtual products like domains. That is why security i…
- — found via Mwmbl
Sedo Sweeps First Seven Spots on This Week's Domain Sales Chart …
Editor's Note : I was in Los Angeles last week covering the DOMAINfest Global Conference so there was no sales column Wednesday, Feb. 2, 2011 . However, I…
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Joshua tree | Denim & Tweed
Ignoti, sed non occulti. Main menu Tag Archives: Joshua tree Post navigation This is a bit of a rehash from the social media platform whose name I will n…
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Top domain services - see all offerings at a glance | Sedo
Find the perfect web address or earn money with domains you already own Buy domains – let us help you find your ideal address Do you have an ideal web ad…
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SED | All Employees
I am working at SED as postdoctoral researcher since June 2021. My main research interest is high-resolution seismic imaging and monitoring for volcanic …
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Lee Sedol - Hong Chang Sik - ladder game at Sensei's Library
DJ : Well, Black played a flamboyant manoeuver, chasing White in a ladder that was not expected to work, just to be able to play in sente in order to capt…
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Sedo, and the problem | VentureBeat
Sedo , the world’s largest domain name auctioneer, sold a popular URL,, for $41,688 last week, but then turned around and canceled the sale b…
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Domain parking | Earn money with parked domains | Sedo
Take advantage of Sedo's Domain Parking! You can earn money with your unused domains and sell them even quicker. Domain Parking is completely free of char…
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sed "in-place" behavior and file permissions
sed "in-place" behavior and file permissions I have read the info pages, and in particular the section about the `-i' option: > `-i' clobbers read-only fi…
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Espionage & Sedition Acts - Home Front, War Front: Sewanee and F…
It looks like you're using Internet Explorer 11 or older. This website works best with modern browsers such as the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, Saf…
- — found via Mwmbl is available for purchase -
Trust is an important factor especially when dealing with virtual products like domains. That is why security is always a top priority at Sedo. During a d…
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Sedo Sells for $100,000 - Domain Name Wire | Doma…
Sedo’s current Great Domains auction ends Thursday. Top domains so far that have met their reserves are at $20,999, at $10,600, and …
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Alien and Sedition Acts - Wikipedia
The Alien and Sedition Acts were a set of four laws enacted in 1798 that applied restrictions to immigration and speech in the United States . [a] The Nat…
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Sed Command in Linux/Unix with examples - GeeksforGeeks
SED command in UNIX stands for stream editor and it can perform lots of functions on file like searching, find and replace, insertion or deletion. Though …
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CPAP & BiPAP Nasal Interfaces - Shop Secondwind CPAP Today
We are the only online CPAP retailer that provides support before, during and after the sale of quality used CPAP and used BIPAP machines. Buying a Used C…
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Global Domain Report from InternetX and Sedo is a good read
Sedo and Internet X produced a Global Domain Report that has a lot of interesting facts and figures. A great look back at 2020 with input from several ind…
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The Antiquities of the Jews/Book XX - Wikisource, the free onlin…
A Sedition of the Philadelphians Against the Jews; and also Concerning the Vestments of the High Priest. 1. Upon the death of king Agrippa, which we have …
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Sedition law: A threat to Indian democracy? | ORF
While questioning the continuity of the “colonial-era” sedition law on 15 July, Chief Justice N.V. Ramana expressed his concern over its misuse. He said, …
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sed capture groups not working - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange
I have a string of the format [0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9] . I need to extract the first, second, and third numbers separately. As I understand it, capture group…
- — found via Mwmbl
The sed utility is a stream editor that shall read one or more text files, make editing changes according to a script of editing commands, and write the r…
- — found via Mwmbl Sedo Sees Market Heating Up for .US Domains
By Kathryn Donahue (Courtesy of where Ms. Donahue is a Key Account Manager) A recent increase in high value .US sales is creating a buzz amon…
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External Transfer Order Page
Have you sold your domain outside of our platform and now want to safely transfer it to the new owner? We will be happy to assist you! The transfer to a n…
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Digital History
Annotation: The Sedition Act of 1918 was an amended piece of legislation that strengthened the terms of the Espionage Act of 1917. The Espionage Act targe…
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Ubuntu Manpage: sed - stream editor for filtering and transformi…
This is just a brief synopsis of sed commands to serve as a reminder to those who already know sed ; other documentation (such as the texinfo document) mu…
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Hong Kong’s Sedition Law Is Back – The Diplomat
While George Orwell’s “Animal Farm” remains one of the best-selling allegories in history, two children’s books that are seen as Orwell-style allegories …
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Unix Sed Command to Delete Lines in File – 15 Examples
Sed Command to Delete Lines : Sed command can be used to delete or remove specific lines which matches a given pattern or in a particular position in a fi…
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Another Win! Google's Artificial Intelligence Beats the World Ch…
Lee Sedol (9-dan pro) is the top Go player of the past decade. Saying that he is "good" at the game is an understatement of epic proportions. Ultimately, …
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Increase customer retention | SedoMLS Brokerage for Registrars
Do you receive inquiries from customers needing a domain that is already taken? With the SedoMLS Brokerage Service you can help your customers to get the …
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Lee Sedol Has Beaten Google's AlphaGo For The First Time
Lee Sedol was upset after his loss to the system yesterday, apologizing for his failure to beat the machine. Today, he was far more upbeat after his win, …
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Buying and selling domains by experts | Hire a broker today! | S…
Are you not able to find your desired domain on our marketplace? Or would you simply like to save the time and hassle by having our brokers negotiate for …
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Breaking: Sedo to Sell Domain Name - Domain Name Wire | …
The parties battled back in forth in bankruptcy court, but have reached a settlement. As part of the settlement, the parties agreed that “a sale of the De…
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Lee Sedol Loses Final Go Match Making It a 4-1 Victory for Googl…
Google’s AlphaGo has stomped to victory for a fourth time against Go world champion Lee Sedol. That makes it a resounding victory for the AI, which has wo…
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World-first mobility training centre opens in Victoria | Seeing …
World-first mobility training centre opens in Victoria For most of us, getting out and about is something we take for granted, but for those who are blin…
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10 Examples of SED Command in UNIX and Linux
SED command in UNIX stands for stream editor and it can perform lots of functions on file like searching, find and replace, insertion or deletion. Though …
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Add character to the beginning of each line using sed - sed comm…
The sed command in Linux can be used to do many types of text manipulation. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to add a character to the beginning of ever…
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sed - How to add a carriage return before every newline? - Unix …
8 Answers 8 Note that this implementation won't insert a CR before every LF, only before those LFs that are not already preceded by one (and only one) CR…
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First GreatDomains Domain Name Auction Starts Thursday - Domain …
Hopefully Sedo will be able to parlay its success with Sedo auctions to GreatDomains, especially with its emphasis on premium domains. Domain registrar Go…
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Sedition trial begins for closed Hong Kong news site editors | A…
Sedition trial begins for closed Hong Kong news site editors FILE - Editor of Stand News Patrick Lam, center, is escorted by police officers into a van a…
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Sedition Law in India | In Custodia Legis: Law Librarians of Con…
The following is a guest post by Tariq Ahmad , a Legal Analyst in the Global Legal Research Center of the Law Library of Congress. British colonial era la…
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Our New Database Reveals Rise In Sedition Cases In The Modi Era …
Six sedition cases during the farm protests; 25 during anti-CAA protests; 22 after the Hathras gangrape; 27 after Pulwama: Our study of sedition cases ove…
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This sedition is brought to you by... - CREW | Citizens for Resp…
All data on this page is updated daily, so please check back regularly for new totals. Introduction In the wake of the Capitol insurrection on January 6th…
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Refreshing your Sedo portfolio with the least amount of work - D…
Featured Domain Ads Advertisement Refreshing your Sedo portfolio with the least amount of work Refreshing your portfolio and can lead new inquiries and r…
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Sedition trial finally opens for Proud Boys; blame laid at Trump…
The mob at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, came there because of Donald Trump, and Proud Boys leader Henry “Enrique” Tarrio, now on trial for seditious consp…
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Grandmaster Lee Sedol to launch blockchain version of Go board g…
In addition, Lee is also planning to create a balanced reward system so that all participants — such as professional Go game players, league supporters, v…
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326 sedition cases registered in India between 2014 and 2019, on…
According to the Union Home Ministry data, a total of 326 cases were registered under the sedition law between 2014 and 2019, with the highest 54 cases in…
- — found via Mwmbl is available for purchase -
Why Trust Sedo with your domain purchase? Trust is an important factor especially when dealing with virtual products like domains. That is why security i…
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What Sedition Looks Like: Lots of Stewart Rhodes, but Key Unchar…
When DOJ first unrolled the seditious conspiracy charges against Oath Keeper Stewart Rhodes and others on January 13, I noted that one goal of that indict…
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Sedition law freeze | No respite for people booked under UAPA - …
The effect of the SC order has not transformed into bail for journalist Siddique Kappan and activists Umar Khalid and Sharjeel Imam, who also face charges…
- — found via Mwmbl is available for purchase -
Trust is an important factor especially when dealing with virtual products like domains. That is why security is always a top priority at Sedo. During a d…
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Sedition case: AAP government gives nod to prosecute Kanhaiya Ku…
While the official order in this regard, issued by the Delhi government's Deputy Secretary (Home) was dated February 27 Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) spokesperso…
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India’s Supreme Court suspends sedition law that was being used …
Sedition can be applied to individuals or organisations “creating hatred, contempt or disaffection” against the Indian government and can be punishable wi…
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Domain Auction Calendar | Find your top domain in Sedo's auctions
Our exclusive feed with Expiring Domains! Auctions start as low as $79 so you could snag quite a bargain on domain names that have not been available befo…
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AMU-Republic TV row: Police to drop sedition charges against 14 …
Sedition charges against 14 students of Aligarh Muslim University will be dropped, say police A police officer said a preliminary inquiry found no eviden…
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Law Commission’s Sedition Report Influenced By 2018 Book That Fa…
A Law Commission of India report recommending retention of India’s 153-year-old, now-suspended law on sedition relies substantially on a 2018 book that ma…
New results
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sed, a stream editor
GNU sed Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or any la…
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Sedo Technologies -- -- MSBuild, .NET, MSDeploy, WCF, Training, …
We are the experts on Build. We have a recognized expert in MSBuild. As applications and services become more complex and inter-connected your build pro…
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Sedo Technologies -- Resources -- MSBuild, .NET, MSDeploy, WCF, …
Build We are the experts on Build. We have a recognized expert in MSBuild. As applications and services become more complex and inter-connected your buil…
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SED (In)Security: Hardware-based Full Disk Encryption (In)Securi…
SED (In)Security: Hardware-based Full Disk Encryption (In)Security Hardware-based Full Disk Encryption (In)Security Abstract:Self-encrypting drives (SEDs…
- — found via Mwmbl
sed(1) - OpenBSD manual pages
The sed utility reads the specified files, or the standard input if no files are specified, modifying the input as specified by a list of commands. The in…
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Encountered a 404 error
Reporting this problem: The problem you have encountered is with a project web site hosted by This issue should be reported to the Sourc…
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Archos G9 stuff
Archos G9 stuff Get root Alternative operating system Important notice: all what is described in this page is for the archos G9 A80S, the one I have. The…
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sed Man Page - macOS -
SED is a stream editor. A stream editor is used to perform basic text transformations on an input stream (a file or input from a pipeline). While in som…
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sed Man Page - Linux -
SED is a stream editor. A stream editor is used to perform basic text transformations on an input stream (a file or input from a pipeline). While in som…
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Try It Online
TIO is a family of online interpreters for an evergrowing list of practical and recreational programming languages. To use TIO, simply click the arrow bel…
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sed - Wikipedia
sed ("stream editor") is a Unix utility that parses and transforms text, using a simple, compact programming language. It was developed from 1973 to 1974 …
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SEDOL - Wikipedia
SEDOL stands for Stock Exchange Daily Official List , a list of security identifiers used in the United Kingdom and Ireland for clearing purposes. The num…
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We’ve detected that JavaScript is disabled in this browser. Please enable JavaScript or switch to a supported browser to continue using You c…
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These General Terms and Conditions have been translated into English, French, Spanish and Chinese and are provided as a service to customers online. The c…
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QUIC Working Group
The IETF QUIC Working Group produced QUIC version 1 — a UDP-based, stream-multiplexing, encrypted transport protocol. The protocol itself is published as …
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NameMonetizer – making money with domain names
Name Monetizer, Domain Parking News, and chronicled the domain monetization industry from the late 1990s through 2015. During this time doma…
- — found via Mwmbl
Sed - An Introduction and Tutorial
Last modified: Mon Dec 7 10:13:59 2020 Copyright 1994, 1995 Bruce Barnett and General Electric Company Copyright 2001,2005,2007,2011,2013 Bruce Barnet…
- — found via Mwmbl
SED Home - University of Houston
The world is changing faster than at any time in history – especially in the world of energy. Society today has 3 fundamental expectations for our energy …
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Sedition | Wex | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute
Sedition Primary tabs Sedition is language intended to incite insurrection against the governing authority. Edward Jenks, in The Book of English Law, con…
- — found via Mwmbl is available for purchase -
Why Trust Sedo with your domain purchase? Trust is an important factor especially when dealing with virtual products like domains. That is why security i…
- — found via Mwmbl
Lee Sedol at Sensei's Library
Lee Sedol (b. March 2, 1983) is a professional Korean 9- dan . He is known for being regarded as the best player in the world from 2007-2008 and 2011-2012…
- — found via Mwmbl
Buy. Park. Sell. Domains | Sedo - World's leading Domain marketp…
"This particular domain is unique to the service I plan to launch. People can immediately identify what type of service is behind such a name. Sedo was in…
- — found via Mwmbl
GNU sed 4.2.2 released; maintainer resigns []
I am pleased to announce the release of GNU sed 4.2.2. The latest release has the following bug fixes and new features: * don't misbehave (truncate input…
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Sedition & Seditious Libel - Definition, Origin and Use
Sedition and seditious libel What is sedition? Sedition is overt conduct that instils insurrection (unrest) or contempt in the general population against…
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sed - Replace text quickly in very large file - Unix & Linux Sta…
Do you know the line numbers where the text to replace is? If not your only option for speeding it up is to get a faster computer. The fact that you have …
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sed(1) - Linux manual page
Sed is a stream editor. A stream editor is used to perform basic text transformations on an input stream (a file or input from a pipeline). While in some…
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sed for Windows
Sed (streams editor) isn't really a true text editor or text processor. Instead, it is used to filter text, i.e., it takes text input and performs some op…
- — found via Mwmbl
Sedition law: India's Supreme Court puts controversial law on ho…
Sedition law: India's Supreme Court puts controversial law on hold India's Supreme Court has put a controversial colonial-era sedition law on hold that c…
- — found via Mwmbl
Price list for domain buyers & sellers | Sedo Domain Services
You can buy a domain on our trading platform at a fixed price, negotiate with the seller, or purchase it through a domain auction. If you choose wire tran…
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Lee Sedol - Wikipedia
On 19 November 2019, Lee announced his retirement from professional play, stating that he could never be the top overall player of Go due to the increasin…
- — found via Mwmbl
Lee Sedol – Wikipedia
↑Chen Xieyuan: Lee Sedol Says Not Defeat of Humans after Historic Go Match with AlphaGo. China Radio International, 13. März 2016, abgerufen am 13. März …
- — found via Mwmbl
Lee sedol stories at Techdirt.
from the urls-we-dig-up dept In case you missed it, humanity has been dealt a decisive intellectual blow by a go-playing computer program called AlphaGo.…
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Domain Names: A milestone towards success | Sedo's Market Trends
Domain Market Trends Top 10 keywords in Sedo search With more than 370 million registered domains, almost every term imaginable can be found in a domain …
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Privacy Policy | Sedition
Privacy Policy Sedition takes data privacy and protection very seriously. The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to let you know what information we colle…
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Domain Auctions | Sell domains to the highest bidder | Sedo
Flexibility or a selling guarantee - You decide. Start an auction whenever you want Start a Direct Auction and auction off your domain whenever and howev…
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iexpress SED file - Windows CMD -
If the %AppLaunched% property is set to run a batch file (.BAT or .CMD) it will fail with the following error: "Error creating process /c ... …
- — found via Mwmbl
kitt price - School of English and Drama
I arrived at Queen Mary in September 2012, having previously taught English and Creative Writing for 8 years at Anglia Ruskin University. Before that I wa…
- — found via Mwmbl
linux - sed command with -i option (in-place editing) works fine…
@AnthonySottile: The suggested duplicate is definitely closely related, except that - unlike this question - it specifically asks for a solution that work…
- — found via Mwmbl
Domain Transfer Services | Security for buyer & seller | Sedo
As soon as the buyer and seller have reached an agreement using our trading platform, our free Transfer Service ensures secure payment and transfer of the…
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Terrestrial Information Systems Laboratory
SED will honor a No Meeting Week in observance of the Christmas to New Year holiday, December 25-29. All directorate-level meetings will be canceled or re…
- — found via Mwmbl is available for purchase -
Why Trust Sedo with your domain purchase? Trust is an important factor especially when dealing with virtual products like domains. That is why security i…
- — found via Mwmbl
Sedo Sweeps First Seven Spots on This Week's Domain Sales Chart …
Editor's Note : I was in Los Angeles last week covering the DOMAINfest Global Conference so there was no sales column Wednesday, Feb. 2, 2011 . However, I…
- — found via Mwmbl
Joshua tree | Denim & Tweed
Ignoti, sed non occulti. Main menu Tag Archives: Joshua tree Post navigation This is a bit of a rehash from the social media platform whose name I will n…
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Top domain services - see all offerings at a glance | Sedo
Find the perfect web address or earn money with domains you already own Buy domains – let us help you find your ideal address Do you have an ideal web ad…
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SED | All Employees
I am working at SED as postdoctoral researcher since June 2021. My main research interest is high-resolution seismic imaging and monitoring for volcanic …
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Lee Sedol - Hong Chang Sik - ladder game at Sensei's Library
DJ : Well, Black played a flamboyant manoeuver, chasing White in a ladder that was not expected to work, just to be able to play in sente in order to capt…
- — found via Mwmbl
Sedo, and the problem | VentureBeat
Sedo , the world’s largest domain name auctioneer, sold a popular URL,, for $41,688 last week, but then turned around and canceled the sale b…
- — found via Mwmbl
Domain parking | Earn money with parked domains | Sedo
Take advantage of Sedo's Domain Parking! You can earn money with your unused domains and sell them even quicker. Domain Parking is completely free of char…
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sed "in-place" behavior and file permissions
sed "in-place" behavior and file permissions I have read the info pages, and in particular the section about the `-i' option: > `-i' clobbers read-only fi…
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Espionage & Sedition Acts - Home Front, War Front: Sewanee and F…
It looks like you're using Internet Explorer 11 or older. This website works best with modern browsers such as the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, Saf…
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Trust is an important factor especially when dealing with virtual products like domains. That is why security is always a top priority at Sedo. During a d…
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Sedo Sells for $100,000 - Domain Name Wire | Doma…
Sedo’s current Great Domains auction ends Thursday. Top domains so far that have met their reserves are at $20,999, at $10,600, and …
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Alien and Sedition Acts - Wikipedia
The Alien and Sedition Acts were a set of four laws enacted in 1798 that applied restrictions to immigration and speech in the United States . [a] The Nat…
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Sed Command in Linux/Unix with examples - GeeksforGeeks
SED command in UNIX stands for stream editor and it can perform lots of functions on file like searching, find and replace, insertion or deletion. Though …
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CPAP & BiPAP Nasal Interfaces - Shop Secondwind CPAP Today
We are the only online CPAP retailer that provides support before, during and after the sale of quality used CPAP and used BIPAP machines. Buying a Used C…
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Global Domain Report from InternetX and Sedo is a good read
Sedo and Internet X produced a Global Domain Report that has a lot of interesting facts and figures. A great look back at 2020 with input from several ind…
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The Antiquities of the Jews/Book XX - Wikisource, the free onlin…
A Sedition of the Philadelphians Against the Jews; and also Concerning the Vestments of the High Priest. 1. Upon the death of king Agrippa, which we have …
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Sedition law: A threat to Indian democracy? | ORF
While questioning the continuity of the “colonial-era” sedition law on 15 July, Chief Justice N.V. Ramana expressed his concern over its misuse. He said, …
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sed capture groups not working - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange
I have a string of the format [0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9] . I need to extract the first, second, and third numbers separately. As I understand it, capture group…
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The sed utility is a stream editor that shall read one or more text files, make editing changes according to a script of editing commands, and write the r…
- — found via Mwmbl Sedo Sees Market Heating Up for .US Domains
By Kathryn Donahue (Courtesy of where Ms. Donahue is a Key Account Manager) A recent increase in high value .US sales is creating a buzz amon…
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External Transfer Order Page
Have you sold your domain outside of our platform and now want to safely transfer it to the new owner? We will be happy to assist you! The transfer to a n…
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Digital History
Annotation: The Sedition Act of 1918 was an amended piece of legislation that strengthened the terms of the Espionage Act of 1917. The Espionage Act targe…
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Ubuntu Manpage: sed - stream editor for filtering and transformi…
This is just a brief synopsis of sed commands to serve as a reminder to those who already know sed ; other documentation (such as the texinfo document) mu…
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Hong Kong’s Sedition Law Is Back – The Diplomat
While George Orwell’s “Animal Farm” remains one of the best-selling allegories in history, two children’s books that are seen as Orwell-style allegories …
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Unix Sed Command to Delete Lines in File – 15 Examples
Sed Command to Delete Lines : Sed command can be used to delete or remove specific lines which matches a given pattern or in a particular position in a fi…
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Another Win! Google's Artificial Intelligence Beats the World Ch…
Lee Sedol (9-dan pro) is the top Go player of the past decade. Saying that he is "good" at the game is an understatement of epic proportions. Ultimately, …
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Increase customer retention | SedoMLS Brokerage for Registrars
Do you receive inquiries from customers needing a domain that is already taken? With the SedoMLS Brokerage Service you can help your customers to get the …
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Lee Sedol Has Beaten Google's AlphaGo For The First Time
Lee Sedol was upset after his loss to the system yesterday, apologizing for his failure to beat the machine. Today, he was far more upbeat after his win, …
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Buying and selling domains by experts | Hire a broker today! | S…
Are you not able to find your desired domain on our marketplace? Or would you simply like to save the time and hassle by having our brokers negotiate for …
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Breaking: Sedo to Sell Domain Name - Domain Name Wire | …
The parties battled back in forth in bankruptcy court, but have reached a settlement. As part of the settlement, the parties agreed that “a sale of the De…
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Lee Sedol Loses Final Go Match Making It a 4-1 Victory for Googl…
Google’s AlphaGo has stomped to victory for a fourth time against Go world champion Lee Sedol. That makes it a resounding victory for the AI, which has wo…
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World-first mobility training centre opens in Victoria | Seeing …
World-first mobility training centre opens in Victoria For most of us, getting out and about is something we take for granted, but for those who are blin…
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10 Examples of SED Command in UNIX and Linux
SED command in UNIX stands for stream editor and it can perform lots of functions on file like searching, find and replace, insertion or deletion. Though …
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Add character to the beginning of each line using sed - sed comm…
The sed command in Linux can be used to do many types of text manipulation. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to add a character to the beginning of ever…
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sed - How to add a carriage return before every newline? - Unix …
8 Answers 8 Note that this implementation won't insert a CR before every LF, only before those LFs that are not already preceded by one (and only one) CR…
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First GreatDomains Domain Name Auction Starts Thursday - Domain …
Hopefully Sedo will be able to parlay its success with Sedo auctions to GreatDomains, especially with its emphasis on premium domains. Domain registrar Go…
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Sedition trial begins for closed Hong Kong news site editors | A…
Sedition trial begins for closed Hong Kong news site editors FILE - Editor of Stand News Patrick Lam, center, is escorted by police officers into a van a…
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Sedition Law in India | In Custodia Legis: Law Librarians of Con…
The following is a guest post by Tariq Ahmad , a Legal Analyst in the Global Legal Research Center of the Law Library of Congress. British colonial era la…
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Our New Database Reveals Rise In Sedition Cases In The Modi Era …
Six sedition cases during the farm protests; 25 during anti-CAA protests; 22 after the Hathras gangrape; 27 after Pulwama: Our study of sedition cases ove…
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This sedition is brought to you by... - CREW | Citizens for Resp…
All data on this page is updated daily, so please check back regularly for new totals. Introduction In the wake of the Capitol insurrection on January 6th…
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Refreshing your Sedo portfolio with the least amount of work - D…
Featured Domain Ads Advertisement Refreshing your Sedo portfolio with the least amount of work Refreshing your portfolio and can lead new inquiries and r…
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Sedition trial finally opens for Proud Boys; blame laid at Trump…
The mob at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, came there because of Donald Trump, and Proud Boys leader Henry “Enrique” Tarrio, now on trial for seditious consp…
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Grandmaster Lee Sedol to launch blockchain version of Go board g…
In addition, Lee is also planning to create a balanced reward system so that all participants — such as professional Go game players, league supporters, v…
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326 sedition cases registered in India between 2014 and 2019, on…
According to the Union Home Ministry data, a total of 326 cases were registered under the sedition law between 2014 and 2019, with the highest 54 cases in…
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Why Trust Sedo with your domain purchase? Trust is an important factor especially when dealing with virtual products like domains. That is why security i…
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What Sedition Looks Like: Lots of Stewart Rhodes, but Key Unchar…
When DOJ first unrolled the seditious conspiracy charges against Oath Keeper Stewart Rhodes and others on January 13, I noted that one goal of that indict…
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Sedition law freeze | No respite for people booked under UAPA - …
The effect of the SC order has not transformed into bail for journalist Siddique Kappan and activists Umar Khalid and Sharjeel Imam, who also face charges…
- — found via Mwmbl is available for purchase -
Trust is an important factor especially when dealing with virtual products like domains. That is why security is always a top priority at Sedo. During a d…
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Sedition case: AAP government gives nod to prosecute Kanhaiya Ku…
While the official order in this regard, issued by the Delhi government's Deputy Secretary (Home) was dated February 27 Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) spokesperso…
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India’s Supreme Court suspends sedition law that was being used …
Sedition can be applied to individuals or organisations “creating hatred, contempt or disaffection” against the Indian government and can be punishable wi…
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Domain Auction Calendar | Find your top domain in Sedo's auctions
Our exclusive feed with Expiring Domains! Auctions start as low as $79 so you could snag quite a bargain on domain names that have not been available befo…
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AMU-Republic TV row: Police to drop sedition charges against 14 …
Sedition charges against 14 students of Aligarh Muslim University will be dropped, say police A police officer said a preliminary inquiry found no eviden…
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Law Commission’s Sedition Report Influenced By 2018 Book That Fa…
A Law Commission of India report recommending retention of India’s 153-year-old, now-suspended law on sedition relies substantially on a 2018 book that ma…