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https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SafeSearch — found via Wikipedia
SafeSearch is a feature in Google Search and Google Images, and later, Bing, that acts as an automated filter of pornography and other potentially offensive
https://kidzsearch.com/ — found via User
KidzSearch | Safe Search Engine for Kids
1.) I will never give out any personal information that can identify me online unless my parents say it is okay. Things like passwords, links to social me…
https://KidzSearch.com/facts.html — found via Mwmbl
KidzSearch Fact Center | Safe Facts for Kids
A cat's nose is ridged with a unique pattern, just like a human fingerprint. This Day in History Quote of the Day For in the final analysis, our most bas…
http://www.kidzsearch.com/blog/ — found via Mwmbl
KidzSearch Education Daily | A blog about education for teachers…
A blog about education for teachers and parents All products recommended on KidzSearch are independently selected by our editorial team. As an Amazon Ass…
https://m.famousfix.com/topic/kidzsearch — found via Mwmbl
KidzSearch - FamousFix.com
KidzSearch is a visual child-safe search engine and web portal powered by Google Custom Search with academic autocomplete that emphasizes safety for child…
https://www.dinosearch.com/KidzSearch.php — found via Mwmbl
KidzSearch - Kidz Search Engine - DinoSearch
When we are searching for something on the internet, we want the most relevant information to our search queries. Google does a great job at giving us qui…